
I love this quote because I whole-heartedly agree with it. 

In honor of Valentine's Day, I decided to share some of the weird and quirky things unique to my own relationship with R. 

  • We randomly lick each other. Nothing romantic or sexual about it, it's more like what you do with your brother when you're both kids. Like, obnoxious almost! If we're cuddling or close, one of us will just randomly lick a cheek or a nose or, if we're being especially obnoxious, maybe an ear. But those ones are always annoying so we don't do that one much anymore. Today he licked my arm . . . too bad for him I had just worked out, so it was a little salty! Haha :)
  • We sing out things that we're doing--in bad tunes and nonsensical melodies. Like "And now I'm going to microwave the oatmeal!" But in song. Normal words, abnormal expression :)
  • Whenever one (or both) of us is looking for something and then finds it, we both claim to have found it. For instance, if R is looking for his phone, and I'm sitting on the couch, as soon as he finds it, he'll yell "Found it!" and then I'll say "No, I found it!" even though I didn't do a single thing to contribute to finding it. Idk how that started, but it happens every time. And sometimes I catch myself doing it to people who aren't R . . . which ends up being kind of weird and accidentally rude! But for R & I, it's just our normal weirdness that we call love :)
  • We say a lot of words really weirdly, like by putting the emphasis on the wrong syllables, pronouncing things more phonetically than they're supposed to be, or merging words incorrectly. For instance, we might say COMPuter instead of comPUter; in Spanish we pronounce the h in hecho instead of making it silent like it's supposed to be; and we're constantly giving the n from an to the next word, as in a napple and a napron instead of an apple and an apron.
So those are a few of the things that contribute to making our relationship different from other people's relationships; things that are weird, but they're us :)

What are some things that are weird-but-somehow-perfect in your relationship? :)



  1. haha! this list is super cute. it reminds me of how sometimes my husband and i will bite each other. not sensually, just to be annoying/quirky. hilarious. i often wonder what other people would think if they accidentally saw us. ;)

    1. Haha thanks! And I'm glad to know that R & I are not the only ones who are weirdly obnoxious with each other! :)


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