"are you pregnant?"

In the past week, I've been asked this question FOUR TIMES. 

But it's always after I say stuff like, "I've just been so exhausted lately!" or "I'm just ravenous like, all the time!" so I'm hoping that means people aren't asking because they think I'm getting fat or something (because I don't feel like I am, and we're all our own worst critics, right? So I would think I'm getting fat before other people would think so, right??)

Anyways. I just think it's funny how it's happened more times this week than in all in the rest of the one year, eight months that I've been married. Not that it bothers me. Some people get so bugged by that question, because it's really personal or something, but not me. I don't find too many things to be too personal. Just funny :)

But just for the record, I'm not.

So I guess I just need more sleep and snacks in my life to keep me from saying I'm-such-a-pregnant-lady things.



  1. haha, well I for one can't wait for you to have a little one join the party of life. :)

    1. Haha I can't wait either! But I'm gonna...school til December kind of changed our plans a little bit :/

  2. I'll never forget feeling so healthy after running my first half-marathon, and that very day being asked if I were pregnant. People really just shouldn't ask. Now I'm only 17 weeks along, and already I get comments like, "Well from the looks of it, it's safe for me to ask now...are you pregnant?" I'm not sure that's any better than getting the question before you're actually pregnant. Maybe I do tae things too personally, but it's like they're still saying, "you're huge!" but trying to be PC about it. Oh well :)

    1. Haha yeah, it's pretty crazy how people think they can just ask a question that implies a whole lot of things no one should want to be implying! But don't worry, you're a cute pregnant lady, not huge :)

  3. As if you've been asked that four times in the last week! I wonder if it's because people think you'd start trying right after getting married. We get asked when we're going to get preggers all the time (fortunately no direct are you actually pregnant right now inquiries) and I'm like calm down, it's been a year! When I get frustrated though I just tell myself it's because people care. I guess when you start craving pickle ice cream combos, that's when they'll know! hehe

    1. Haha well luckily, it doesn't frustrate me, I just think it's funny how it happened so many times in one week :) And I also think everyone close to me knows I've wanted to get pregnant for like 6 months now (but I'm waiting a little bit so I don't have a baby before I graduate in December) so they're always just wondering if it's finally happened haha :)

  4. HAHAHA! story of my LIFE! i'm guessing you'r newly wed?

    1. Relatively newly wed I suppose, but we've been married for over one year and eight months :)


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