5 on friday

one. I discovered (rediscovered?) this week that I'm horrible at keeping secrets. Not other people's (usually), but my own. If I ever have anything exciting going on, something that is supposed to be kept under wraps for some reason or another, I have the hardest time not telling everybody

After Russ and I had talked about getting married, but before we got engaged officially (a period of 5 weeks), I really tried to keep it a secret. At first I only told family and best friends. And then, by the time we actually got engaged, I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire world already knew it was happening. 

Most people wait until they are about 12 weeks pregnant before mass-announcing that they are pregnant. I don't know how on earth I will do that, because I'm pretty sure the second I find out I'm pregnant, I'll want to tell everyone. Haha so we'll see what happens there.

But as for what I'm having a hard time keeping secret at this moment in time, I think I will (somehow) continue to keep it secret from my blog for a bit. Intrigued yet? I hope so ;)

two. This week I started a mini series (which is quickly turning into a not-so-mini series) about how it all began with me and Russ. It's a great story, so you should check it out! I'll be posting the subsequent parts for the next several Wednesdays :)

three. You know how everyone says that once you get married, you leave all your single friends behind? Well, it's true :( But it's not because you don't love them. It's just because life is always busy, and now you have a built-in best friend to take up all of your spare time. Which really is great--I love that I don't have to make plans for my free time, and that I get to spend that time with my beyond-wonderful husband. But I miss seeing my girlfriends!! So I'm suuuuper excited for Saturday because I'm having a girls day with my bestie that I haven't really talked to for literally like eight months probably. I've seen her here and there (usually by accident!-- at the library, Rumbi Island Grill, etc.) but I'm excited to finally spend some much needed quality time with her. Love that girl! :)

four. I registered for my last semester of college this week. How exciting is that?! And how exciting is it that this semester is my last as a full-time student? I'm a little bit--no, completely!--excited about being a part-time student for my last semester. I'll get to focus more on the classes I do have, and I'll have more time to work and play as well :)

five. So excited for the Women's Conference session this Saturday night! Basically, just like it sounds, it is a conference specifically directed toward women. It is given by leaders in my church, who always have a lot of great things to say :) A girl in my ward is having a girls night in conjunction with the broadcast, so it will be spiritual and fun! Tune in and I know you'll love it, too! You can see it here, or watch on TV, though I'm not sure what channel to direct you to, so you'll probably have better luck with the link :) If you do tune in, let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what you have to say about it :)

I hope you all have a lovely weekend filled with happiness and joy. And joyness. And if you know what I just referenced, please tell me, because I like you already :) Happy Friday! :)



  1. Yay glad I found your blog! I agree with the built-in best friend part and my girlfriends pretty much ALL live in separate states so it is ALWAYS super exciting to get together! Hope you both have a fabulous weekend! xoxo

    1. Haha that's the sad part--me and my best friend live maybe 10 minutes apart and we still hadn't done anything in so long until this weekend! But it was fun to get together with her :) I'm glad you found my blog, too! Thanks for stopping by :)


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