
Showing posts from 2020

holly b {12 months}

  Stats size 3 diapers size 9-12 month clothing -- she is outgrowing clothes more quickly than big sis did because her torso is so long! 20.0 pounds (54%), 28.75 inches (34%) Notable events Thanksgiving trip (and REALLY long car trip) to Arizona, where she met her Holmes great grandparents. She did pretty well with the trip -- even slept at all the times she was supposed to, even in the car! Her birthday party! We threw a rainbow themed party for her, which turned virtual at the last minute due to Covid exposure. She did the crawl (chose the toy doll) and cake smash for the virtual party :) Tricks/Milestones Two teeth! Both bottom teeth came in at the same time right around Thanksgiving. Does a full crawl more often than the shimmy crawl now, but still sometimes does the shimmy crawl :) Constantly pulling up on things, but not yet cruising. Favorite things Taking all the things out of all the places -- books, dress ups, toys, anything. Especially right after it's been cleaned up! S...

holly b {11 months}

Stats size 3 diapers size 6-12 month clothing 18.4 pounds (35%), 28.5 inches (43%) Notable events Halloween as the Sanderson Sisters & Billy Butcherson! :) Tricks crawls backward signs all done, more, and milk (kinda) turns book pages elbows and knees crawling (more than an army crawl, less than a full crawl . . . we call it a shimmy crawl because she clasps her hands together while she does it, so it looks like she's doing a little shimmy). She has done full crawling on occasion, but prefers her shimmy crawl. climbing UP stairs pulling to stand Favorite things dancing to music splashing in baths making a mad dash for crumbs after she's been cleaned off but the high chair space hasn't Ada Random tidbits She blows anytime something comes out of the microwave (even if it's not in front of her yet) She had her first sickness -- she was soooo cuddly and sleepy 😍 Eating: After she refused to nurse several times, I cut down to two breastfeeding sessions each day (both on...

holly b {10 months}

Stats size 3 diapers size 3-12 month clothing  17.8 pounds (34%), 28 inches (43%) Notable events I left her overnight for the first time! Went on a little girls getaway with two friends, and she did great with Dad. I pumped while I was gone, pumped for 20 minutes, and literally made 2 ounces. And that was with pumping later than usual, even when I pumped in the morning! Crazy. She also didn't drink much milk while I was gone, which was kind of surprising. Tricks Dancing! She loves to bounce herself in whatever way possible! Not crawling on hands and knees, but can get anywhere she wants with army crawling, and she's FAST! She sometimes gets up on knees, but still waiting on a full crawl :) Blowing on food when we tell her it's hot :) Trying to climb up us and everything Favorite things She loves the park. She often gets mad if we take her out of the swing, or if we're at the park but not yet swinging. Girlfriend is obsessed with water! Probably because she doesn't g...

ada charlotte {4 years}

Dear Ada, How on earth are you 4 years old already?! As I worked on your 4th year video over the last few days, I was reminded of how much you've grown in the last year. I thought you talked a lot a year ago (and you did), but it's amazing how much your conversation has developed in the last year. I love watching you change :) I'll be honest, you've been a little bit of a threenager in the last year, but I know it's because you've gone through A LOT of changes, plus you're just trying to figure out everything about how the world works. Here's hoping we're mostly over the major sass and stubbornness.  I love you. I love snuggling with you, tickling you, and laughing with you. I love seeing you learn to be respectful and kind. I love that you can be such a good helper. And I love you even when you drive me crazy -- I love you ALWAYS :) Stats 34.0 pounds (43%) and 3'2.75" (38.75 inches) (30%) You have clothes all the way from 2T to 5T, but 4T s...

holly b {9 months}

Stats size 3 diapers size 3-9 month clothing 17.4 pounds (36%), 27 inches (24%) Notable events You went on your first family trip! We went camping in the Grand Tetons, and you slept in a pack and play under a slumberpod, so you were really spoiled 😂 Tricks Saying "Dada" early on this month Also saying "baba" (not in reference to anything) and even "Ada" sometimes! Not sure if it's on purpose though 🤷 Getting from sitting to your tummy on purpose Army crawling! Just within the last week or so, you're really getting around! Self-feeding super well now / getting better with your pincer grasp Waving sometimes Favorite things You love clapping and pattycake :) We got the exersaucer out and you seem to like it quite a bit! Swinging. You freaking love it! You love to grab and mouth everything you're not supposed to -- phones, my pump, charging cords, etc. Random tidbits I feel like Ada isn't as obsessed with you as she used to be 😔 She's be...

holly b {8 months}

Stats size 3 diapers mostly size 3-6 month clothing, but probably ready to size up soon. 16.0 pounds (23%), 26.75 inches (36%) Notable events Nothing really! Tricks Sitting up! You were close last month, so you started sitting up at the beginning of the month and now you're a pro! Saying "mama"! You literally said it for the first time LAST NIGHT. Your first word! And it's me! I'm so excited :) Turning radially. It's the funniest thing -- You're like a dog chasing its tail, but you're chasing your toes :) Clapping (I think it started as an approximation for the sign "more" but we've really gotten lazy with signing, so now you just clap) Favorite things For a few days at the beginning of the month, you would hold onto your foot while breastfeeding. It was so funny, but it was short-lived. You give big ol' open-mouthed kisses wherever you can! I think it's so cute. You shake your head back and forth like it...

holly b {7 months}

Stats size 3 diapers size 3-6 month clothing fits great still. I'll probably pull down the 6-9 month box soon just for more options though! 15.4 pounds (23%), 26.5 inches (51%) Notable events We finally did your baby blessing! With church canceled the last several months, it just kind of fell off the radar. We did the blessing in our home, with only grandparents and our bishop. All the pictures were super cute because you're so smiley!  Tricks/Milestones You started rolling from tummy to back right after you turned 6 months, on 6/24. Now you just roll all over the place! :) You aren't doing it as much lately, but for the first couple weeks of the month, you were blowing raspberries all the time. We started you on solids right after you turned 6 months, and it's crazy to see how far you've come! We're following a progressive approach to BLW, so we started with tiny tastes, and now we've moved from tiny tastes, to thickened pu...

holly b {6 months}

Stats size 3 diapers size 3-6 month clothing 15.2 pounds (32%), 26 inches (55%) Notable events You met the whole Petersen family in an impromptu reunion! Haha the trip was not planned, but in a matter of 2 or 3 days, my three out-of-state siblings decided to bring their families to Utah! Everyone LOVED loving on you, which was kinda funny for me, because at our last everyone-family-reunion, Ada was about 10 months old, but she was one of FOUR babies, so she wasn't as hot of a commodity. But since you were the lone baby this time around, everyone wanted a turn with you, and while I loooooove playing and snuggling with you, it was also nice to be able to set you down and have about 5 different kiddos immediately entertaining you. Tricks For a long time, you pretty much only rolled back to belly, over your left shoulder. But with some practicing in the last week, you can now roll back to belly both ways with no assistance. No belly to back rolling though! You als...

holly b {5 months}

Stats size 2 diapers size 3-6 month clothing 13.6 pounds (18%), 25.5 inches (63%) Notable events Nothing too exciting this month! Tricks For a while there, you were REALLY into grabbing your toes (and even sucking on them 😍), but not so much anymore. You're definitely more inclined to do it if there's nothing in your way, aka naked or diaper only. You don't roll all over the place anymore, but you still will occasionally. Pretty much always back to tummy (haven't seen you do tummy to back in months) Favorite things You like being thrown in the air :) YOU'RE A CUDDLER! Ada was NOT, so this is a welcome change. Like clockwork, as soon as I turn out the light to sing you your bedtime song, you start sucking your thumb and you lay your head down on my shoulder. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. You're obsessed with your dad. I literally cannot feed you if I'm sitting next to him, because you'll lean away from me to look at him and smil...


Show notes for episode 18 of The Rushley Review In this episode, we talk about: 25 things/impossible goal during quarantine Forward momentum when you can't be fully engaged/time management How to have big conversations as a couple: ponder and come back Finishing up projects at work (taking the initiative!) Painting boys' nails/gender roles/lots of tangents Planning dinner for work Sources mentioned: Brooke Castillo's Podcast Love is an Open Door video The Family: A Proclamation to the World Brooke & Jody

holly b {4 months}

Stats After way too many blowouts, we finally upped you to size 2 diapers Slowly creeping into your 3-6 month stuff! You still mostly wear jammies, but most of your 0-3 month jammies are on their last few times of you fitting into them, so you've switched over to your one and only 3-6 month pair. Time to buy more!  12.2 pounds (11%), 24.5 inches (50%) Notable events You're living in a time of pandemics and quarantines! Which is pretty wild. We sleep trained you! And you did awesome. Night one was HARD for this mama, but you improved quickly and I'm loving not having to replace that dang binky all the time! Yay for long naps! Tricks Tummy time champ. You basically just stay in it for forever. For a few days, you were practicing really hard rolling from back to tummy. Then, you finally did it! (You were about 15 weeks old.) And then, you were kinda like, "Okay, I did it, and now I'm done," so you stopped for two weeks. And then all of a su...


In case you didn't know, Russ and I started a podcast (it's called The Rushley Review)! So I'll be publishing brief show notes for every episode from here on out :) In this episode, we talk about: - self-motivation at work - sleep training holly - weird pet projects - youtube date nights - mantra ("I can do something ") - rampage of appreciation/balance of scenarios Sources mentioned: Ashley's business website Kid President Pep Talk Learn to be a Great Kisser youtube video (not explicit, but I probably wouldn't watch it with kids around) 9 Places to Touch a Man youtube video (not explicit, but I probably wouldn't watch it with kids around) Jody Moore's podcast (couldn't figure out the exact episode . . . something in the 240's) Brooke Castillo's podcast

ada charlotte {3.5 years}

accurate depiction of you right now -- always in a dress-up! Dear Ada, You're so big. It's crazy! Sometimes I look over at you and . . . you're just TALL! How did my baby grow so much?? It's been a big 6 months . . . You got a little sister! And you love her so much 😊 You really welcomed her into our family, and I've loved seeing you love and take care of her. However, I'd be lying if I said it was an easy transition! You used to get so much one-on-one time with mama, and now you have to share your whole world with Holly. This has resulted in a lot of wildness from you, and I haven't dealt with it very well. I'm learning more and more that I'm not very patient, but I hope I can learn to be more patient, and I hope you can forgive all the times when I'm not. I love you like crazy, my big girl, but I'm far from perfect. Thanks for continuing to love me even when I lose my cool. I'm glad you'll always be my girl 💗 Stats 31...

holly b {3 months}

Stats size 1 diapers size 0-3 month clothing, but you could probably start into your 3-6 month stuff pretty soon. Also, for the record, I am now dressing you in actual clothes occasionally :) 12.0 pounds (29%), 23.5 inches (49%) Notable events Well, it's nothing that you'll remember, but Corona Virus has basically made it seem like it's the end of the world! We're social distancing (aka, SO MUCH ISOLATION), grocery stores are barren, and everything just feels weird! Oh, not to mention that then we had an earthquake, so really the world is probably ending ha. You're almost full-time in the crib after we moved Ada to a big girl bed. You do all naps in it, and you sleep in it at night until your night feed. Then you finish the night in the pack'n'play in our room. Tricks We didn't do full-on tummy time with you for the first couple months because the hospital told us to basically do less intense versions for the first two months. But n...

holly b {2 months}

Stats size 1 diapers 0-3 month "clothing," but let's be honest, you're in jammies all day, every day 11.19 pounds (43%), 23 inches (70%) Notable events Your future favorite cousin (Rosie) was born! I know you'll be favorites because you're close in age, the same gender, and your parents hang out with her parents regularly :) First time at church! We went much sooner with Ada, but at least one person in our house has been sick pretty much every week, so we didn't make it til you were 8 weeks old. Tricks Lots of kicking and moving your body!  Smiling 😍 You started out with a sort of half smile, but you've definitely graduated to full smiles :) you started smiling around 7 weeks. You're cooing, grunting, and just talking! It's so cute! Started closer to 8 weeks. Starting to give more eye contact/follow things with your eyes. Favorite things You are such a chill baby!! You cry when you're hungry (especially wh...

holly's birth story {dad's perspective}

We arrived at the Hospital at about 9:35 to check in for the scheduled C-section. We entered the Labor and Delivery wing and completed the necessary paperwork. They showed us to the room where we would be until the operating room was ready.  Our nurse was named Nicole, and she had Ashley change out of her clothes into a hospital gown for the operation. It looked so funny to have her bum poking out of the back! Then the nurse set up some monitors to keep tabs on Holly’s heartbeat and vitals. She told us that we might be a little bit delayed on the operating time because of some other babies that might need emergency care, so we kind of waited while the preparations were being made, and talked about how crazy it was that we were having a baby today!  Then the nurse came in and told us that they were actually going to take us in earlier than planned! She administered some medications that she told us might have a side effect of anxiety, and Ashley got really anxious ...