holly b {11 months}

  • size 3 diapers
  • size 6-12 month clothing
  • 18.4 pounds (35%), 28.5 inches (43%)
Notable events
  • Halloween as the Sanderson Sisters & Billy Butcherson! :)

  • crawls backward
  • signs all done, more, and milk (kinda)
  • turns book pages
  • elbows and knees crawling (more than an army crawl, less than a full crawl . . . we call it a shimmy crawl because she clasps her hands together while she does it, so it looks like she's doing a little shimmy). She has done full crawling on occasion, but prefers her shimmy crawl.
  • climbing UP stairs
  • pulling to stand
Favorite things
  • dancing to music
  • splashing in baths
  • making a mad dash for crumbs after she's been cleaned off but the high chair space hasn't
  • Ada
Random tidbits
  • She blows anytime something comes out of the microwave (even if it's not in front of her yet)
  • She had her first sickness -- she was soooo cuddly and sleepy 😍
  • Eating: After she refused to nurse several times, I cut down to two breastfeeding sessions each day (both only 2-3 minutes and then supplemented with 2-3 oz formula), and one time with formula only. So I breastfeed+supplement first thing in the morning, and then again after her second nap, and I give only formula (2-3 oz) at bedtime. We’ve completely eliminated the feed after her first nap (and do a snack instead). She’s most certainly not consuming the recommended amount of milk for her age, but she can’t be convinced to drink more! My only guess is that she eats more table food than the average 11mo... girl likes to eat! As far as real food goes, she loves bananas and blueberries most, but she’s pretty good to eat most things we give her. She just eats whatever we’re eating!⁠
  • Sleep: Has been more irregular this last month. Still good and pretty predictable, but things are definitely changing. I typically wake her at 6:35/40am, nap 1 from 9-10:30am (usually wake her, occasionally she wakes up 10 or so minutes earlier), nap 2 from 1-2/2:30pm, bedtime 3.5 hours after she wakes from her nap, so anywhere from 5:30-6:30pm usually. Separation anxiety still creeps in (manifested by less than a minute of crying after we lay her down), but it has lessened.⁠


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