holly b {8 months}

  • size 3 diapers
  • mostly size 3-6 month clothing, but probably ready to size up soon.
  • 16.0 pounds (23%), 26.75 inches (36%)
Notable events
  • Nothing really!
  • Sitting up! You were close last month, so you started sitting up at the beginning of the month and now you're a pro!
  • Saying "mama"! You literally said it for the first time LAST NIGHT. Your first word! And it's me! I'm so excited :)
  • Turning radially. It's the funniest thing -- You're like a dog chasing its tail, but you're chasing your toes :)
  • Clapping (I think it started as an approximation for the sign "more" but we've really gotten lazy with signing, so now you just clap)
Favorite things
  • For a few days at the beginning of the month, you would hold onto your foot while breastfeeding. It was so funny, but it was short-lived.
  • You give big ol' open-mouthed kisses wherever you can! I think it's so cute.
  • You shake your head back and forth like it's a fun game :)
  • You LOVE food. Especially fruit. You go nuts for kiwis, blueberries, bananas, and pears.
Random tidbits
  • You're intrigued by milking me. I'm not amused.
  • Also, you love to pull my hair while nursing. I do not love this.
  • Your hair is growing in so, so light, with a tinge of red. You have a lot of hair now, but it's so light that it doesn't really look like it. Hair is also officially not curly anymore 😭 but still very cute :)
  • You've been more fussy this month. Not sure if it's because you're hungry or just more aware (plus I think you were sick for a few days, but with no symptoms except fussiness and extra sleep?), but you definitely make it known when you're not happy about something!
  • We give you sink showers after most meals -- you're just so messy! But it's funny because I never did that with Ada -- she always used a bib! You are always just in a diaper. We have a splat mat under your high chair, so I think that helps me allow you to get more messy 😂
  • Most mornings, after I feed you, I take you up to Ada's room where she has a little bit of quiet time, and I leave you up there with her. It's not uncommon to hear the two of you laughing and playing together, and it's so cute! (It's also not uncommon to hear you crying because she's been mean to you. It's a new development 😩)
  • If I'm gone when you wake up from a nap, you're completely fine to wait for milk (I typically feed you right after you wake up). But if I come home and you see me and then I walk away from you, you start losing it because you want milk NOW!
  • You were basically fully eating table food by 7.5 months, but then you spent another few days really working on self-feeding. It was one of those things where I was like, "is she ever going to learn this?" and then you actually learned it really quickly. It's so cute to watch you feed yourself :)
  • Still breastfeeding, still supplementing a bit, but mostly you don't seem all that interested in milk anymore. You like table food a lot more! But I still try to give you milk every time you're awake.
  • Sleep is still great! I've kept you on a 3-nap schedule so far, by waking you up from basically every nap and in the morning. I might transition you soon, but like...it's still working so why fix something that isn't broken? :) You typically wake at 6:30/45am, nap 1 from 8:45-10:30am, nap 2 from 12:45-2:15pm, nap 3 from 4:15/30-5pm, bedtime at 7:30pm.


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