holly b {2 months}
- size 1 diapers
- 0-3 month "clothing," but let's be honest, you're in jammies all day, every day
- 11.19 pounds (43%), 23 inches (70%)
Notable events
- Your future favorite cousin (Rosie) was born! I know you'll be favorites because you're close in age, the same gender, and your parents hang out with her parents regularly :)
- First time at church! We went much sooner with Ada, but at least one person in our house has been sick pretty much every week, so we didn't make it til you were 8 weeks old.
- Lots of kicking and moving your body!
- Smiling 😍 You started out with a sort of half smile, but you've definitely graduated to full smiles :) you started smiling around 7 weeks.
- You're cooing, grunting, and just talking! It's so cute! Started closer to 8 weeks.
- Starting to give more eye contact/follow things with your eyes.
Favorite things
- You are such a chill baby!! You cry when you're hungry (especially when I have to burp you or switch sides -- you're so offended to not still be eating 😂), and you cry when the binky falls out during a nap, and that's about it! You are just so happy and content, I even catch you smiling at literally nothing (a blank wall, the couch), like, all the time 😂
- I am so excited for the relationship you and Ada will build. She just loves you so much, and you seem to think she's pretty cool, too :)
- You looooove baths! Oh my gosh, it is the cutest thing ever to see how much you smile and light up during bathtime. You don't love getting out, though 😂
Random tidbits
- Around 6 weeks, sleep got less awesome. You still do a lot of things really well, but you're more alert now, so if you don't transfer through those cycle transitions on your own, you don't go back to sleep as easily (sometimes at all) with the binky. I still lay you down for basically all sleep in the pack and play (but we also have the occasional carrier or car seat nap), and you still put yourself to sleep easily with a binky, but your naps just aren't as reliable. We basically do 4 naps each day, but sometimes it feels like I'm trying to extend the nap the whole naptime, but you're not actually sleeping any more. As for nights, we dropped the 10/11 feed/dream feed. You kept being too asleep to eat at all, so I just stopped offering it. You usually have your last feed between 7&9pm, and then you wake once to eat, between 2&4am. You start stirring a little more around 6am, but are easily put back to sleep with a binky. I then wake you for the day around 7:15/30.
- You got the oxygen off! We finally met with a cardiologist like a week ago, and he said it all looked good, and Dr. Uncle Rick said things sounded good as well, plus you'd been on oxygen for 5 weeks post-NICU, where you were only borderline when we left (as in, they almost sent us home without oxygen), so we're pretty sure you're good :)
- You make the SADDEST little sad face sometimes when you're hungry, like right before you actually cry. It's heartbreaking!
- I started supplementing a bit with formula sort of "just in case." I make 2-4 ounces of formula each day, and you take some as necessary.
- You do this really annoying thing when we nurse, which is that you push me away hard when I'm trying to get you latched 😂 Your arms are just long enough that I CAN'T get you latched when you do it, and you do it despite the fact that you're hungry! So you're pushing me away when you're hungry. And a lot of times, I'll move your arm, only to have you move it right back before I can position everything. Silly goose :)
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