holly b {10 months}

  • size 3 diapers
  • size 3-12 month clothing 
  • 17.8 pounds (34%), 28 inches (43%)
Notable events
  • I left her overnight for the first time! Went on a little girls getaway with two friends, and she did great with Dad. I pumped while I was gone, pumped for 20 minutes, and literally made 2 ounces. And that was with pumping later than usual, even when I pumped in the morning! Crazy. She also didn't drink much milk while I was gone, which was kind of surprising.
  • Dancing! She loves to bounce herself in whatever way possible!
  • Not crawling on hands and knees, but can get anywhere she wants with army crawling, and she's FAST! She sometimes gets up on knees, but still waiting on a full crawl :)
  • Blowing on food when we tell her it's hot :)
  • Trying to climb up us and everything
Favorite things
  • She loves the park. She often gets mad if we take her out of the swing, or if we're at the park but not yet swinging.
  • Girlfriend is obsessed with water! Probably because she doesn't get enough milk 😬
  • She's giving kisses and it's the BEST! She gives the cutest face-sucking kisses :)
Random tidbits
  • Getting alllll the crumbs.
  • Discovering her tongue.
  • Sometimes smacking her lips when she sees me or a bottle and she knows she's about to be fed!
  • When we have pizza picnics, she tries reallllllly hard to get Ada's bigger pieces of food. She really wants to grow up!
  • Starting to touch her hair while she eats. Joyyyy.
  • Separation anxiety is real! Just within the last few weeks she has become a lot more clingy for seemingly no reason. Always seems to cry if someone leaves the room, especially me!
  • FOOD: Still briefly breastfeeding 4x/day, and supplementing with 1-3 oz. formula for two or three of those feeds. Eats table food so well, but definitely has opinions about what she eats! Slightly picker than I remember Ada being at this age, but we’re starting early with no substitute meals!⁠
  • SLEEP: Wake her at 6:40am, nap 1 from 9-10:30am (usually wake her), nap 2 from 1-3pm, bedtime at 6:30pm. Almost nothing has changed in her schedule in the last month -- I just get her up a few minutes earlier, and occasionally she’ll wake up to 30 minutes early from one of her naps. Lately, she occasionally cries for 10 seconds - 1 minute when we leave the room (another demonstration of that separation anxiety).⁠


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