holly b {5 months}

  • size 2 diapers
  • size 3-6 month clothing
  • 13.6 pounds (18%), 25.5 inches (63%)
Notable events
  • Nothing too exciting this month!
  • For a while there, you were REALLY into grabbing your toes (and even sucking on them 😍), but not so much anymore. You're definitely more inclined to do it if there's nothing in your way, aka naked or diaper only.

  • You don't roll all over the place anymore, but you still will occasionally. Pretty much always back to tummy (haven't seen you do tummy to back in months)
Favorite things
  • You like being thrown in the air :)
  • YOU'RE A CUDDLER! Ada was NOT, so this is a welcome change. Like clockwork, as soon as I turn out the light to sing you your bedtime song, you start sucking your thumb and you lay your head down on my shoulder. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
  • You're obsessed with your dad. I literally cannot feed you if I'm sitting next to him, because you'll lean away from me to look at him and smile instead of eating!
  • You love to squawk and squeal. You can be SO loud!
  • We've given you a couple baths without your bath chair, and you LOVE splashing in the shallow water. You tried rolling over once, but you did not like that since you ended up with a mouthful of water!
Random tidbits
  • Ever since you were born, your right eye has been goopy and/or crusty. Apparently it's pretty common, and for most babies, it works itself out within the first year. Over the last month, we've noticed that it has pretty much gone away -- yay!
  • You were born with hairy ears, just like your sister. Your ears seem to be losing their hair this month -- it's barely noticeable anymore!
  • You are not a fan of stopping while in the car. You're totally good in the car as long as it's moving, but once it stops, you voice your disapproval. 
  • I made up a simple lullaby (off the cuff) for you, and it often calms you :) "Twinkle twinkle Holly B, I love you and you love me. You're my baby; I'm your mom. And I'm singing you this song. Twinkle twinkle Holly B, I love you and you love me."
  • We're basically still exclusively breastfeeding, but I generally give you a 2 oz. bottle at some point in the day.
  • Sleep is going so well! You're pretty solidly on a 3-nap schedule with an occasional 4-nap day. I get at least one 2-hour nap most days, and often two! Haven't had many (any?) short naps lately since we upped your waketime. Bedtime between 5&7 (usually 5-6), wakeup time between 5:40&7:30 (usually 5:40-6:30). Not sure why you have those slightly early wakeups, so I need to pay more attention to figure it out. Current waketimes: 1.5/1.75/1.75/(1.5)/2


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