5 on friday

one. Remember that secret I mentioned last week? Well I guess I'll tell you now, only it's in a sad way rather than an excited way. We were contemplating moving to England for six months sometime next year (around May). It was a secret because we hadn't decided whether or not we were going to do it yet. But now we've made our decision, and we're not doing it. But I figured I should still mention it since I left you all hanging last week. Someday . . . 

two. As I browse blogs, I often come across bloggers wearing adorable clothes and linking up where they got the clothes from. They always say stuff like "I got this amazing dress, and it's so affordable!" I'm amazed to see what prices people call "affordable." And I'm not trying to be mean--I just think I have a different definition of "affordable." I could afford just about any outfit that people post about. But I'm a bargain shopper. I don't pay more than $20 for a shirt (usually more like $10) and $40 for a dress (usually more like $25). I love clothes, but I definitely have my price limits. I'm definitely a bargain shopper. (I must get that from my mom. Check out these ADORABLE shoes that she just bought for $3.50!! Too bad I can't wear heels anymore, or I'd be buying myself a pair, too!)

three. I really wish I could just travel all the time. Especially since social media makes it so easy to see all the fun places my friends and blog friends are traveling to. But even though I don't get Europe next summer, I am traveling a few times this summer, and the tickets for the first trip are finally booked! We're going to Seattle to visit Russ's brother's family for a few days later on this month. I'm super excited because we've never had any alone time with them, so it will be fun for it to just be our family and theirs :) Especially since they've got these two cuties hanging around their house! :)

four. I kind of love that I don't get to graduate this month because I had to take 9.5 more credits. It means I've gotten to start taking sewing classes (and there are more sewing classes in my next semester). I love making things that look awesome. I just started my final sewing project, and I'm super excited for it . . . it's the one project that we've really gotten to choose what we're doing, so I'm excited to see how it turns out!! Maybe sometime soon I'll do a post with pictures of the things I've made this semester :)

five. I'm so excited for General Conference this weekend! I love hearing all the inspiring and uplifting talks . . . they always answer questions for me--some questions that I'm aware I have, and some that I didn't even know I was thinking about. Feel free to tune in, 10-Noon and 2-4pm (MDT) on both Saturday and Sunday.

Happy Friday! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend :)



  1. I am the exact same way with clothes. I am amazed when I click on the links that some bloggers provide for their outfits. 70 dollars is not at all affordable for me. I absolutely hate spending more than 10 dollars on a shirt. Taking fun classes at school sounds awesome! I'm so jealous that you are so close to graduating. haha I still have 4 semesters.

    1. Haha I know, right?! I'm always saying you can find stuff that is plenty cute for much cheaper.

      And oh, goodness, 4 semesters?! I'm sorry haha. I still have two, but I'll be part-time for both of them so it won't be too big of a deal. Good luck! What are you studying?

  2. wow, moving to england would be amazing! my dream was to live in the US for a year, and well, I ended up getting married and now I'm here for good! lol. and oh my goodness, it annoys the bajeepers out of me when people show or link things that are ridiculously expensive - it annoys me even more when they link to 'similar' to what they are wearing, that cost $20, and its like a $500 shirt. grrrr.

    1. Yeah it would have been amazing . . . hopefully someday! :) And that's cool that you got to come here!! Where are you from originally?

  3. TOTALLY agree with #2! Oh and I see that you respond to people via the 'reply' button on here and wanted to let you in on a little secret about that. Most bloggers don't ever see replies since we only read posts once. Generally, I'd suggest replying through email! My friend Vanessa just posted this to help summarize what I'm saying: http://xtremelyv.blogspot.com/2014/04/an-apology-xvsdailylife-week-12-13.html. Just helping a sista out!!

    1. I will definitely need to start doing that!! Thanks for the tip! :)

  4. Girl, I wish I could travel all of the time too! Teleportation should be a real thing, right?! Xx.

    1. Other than "I love my husband," this is probably my number one thought, like, ever. Teleportation should DEFINITELY be real!

  5. I love bargain shopping...its like a treasure hunt!

    1. Haha yes! It's always the greatest when you find an item that you love, with a price tag you love, too!

  6. yay seattle! it's on my top 5 places in the US :) also--those shoes are to die for. fist pump.

    1. Your top 5? What else merits a place on that list? :)

      And I KNOW! Now I just need her to find me some $3.50 flats . . . She always finds better deals than I can find haha :)


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