5 on friday

Today's 5 on Friday is going to be a short one since I'm busy studying for finals and such, so let's get started!

one. Thanks to everyone who weighed in on their opinions about which bag I should get last Friday. I ended up choosing . . . none of the options I posted. Well, sort of. I picked option two in color three:

From Target
two. My birthday is officially less than a month away! And I still have no clue what I'll be doing. Still open to party ideas . . . anyone have any? ;)

three. Classes are over! And so, as I said, all I have to do over the next few days is take a few finals. I love it when semesters end :)

four. Off to Seattle in less than a week! So excited to have a trip with my man, and so excited to go see some family! :) What are your recommendations for things we absolutely have to do while we're there? :)

five. It's Easter weekend! We're excited to celebrate this weekend with some of Russ's family. Since my parents live like five minutes away, we spend a lot of holidays with them, but since Russ's parents will be in town, we'll be spending Easter with them and with Russ's siblings that live nearby :) Also, I think we'll be doing our first Easter baskets! Though neither of us has done any shopping for the other yet . . . So we'll see if that actually happens. But either way, 

Happy Easter! And Happy Friday, too :)



  1. LOVE that bag!! Oh Target...I can never go without buying ALL of the things haha. Happy Friday! So glad I found your blog through the Friday 5 link-up!! :)

    1. Haha yes, Target is my new love affair, and I blame all of my blogger friends who always make Target out to be Heaven or something :)

      So glad you found me, too! :) I love making new blog friends!

  2. Hi - visiting from the link-up! We're headed to Seattle later this year too! I've never been before but Pike Place Market (www.pikeplacemarket.org) is at the top of our list - looks like such a fun place to spend a day! Happy Easter!!

    1. How fun! What's bringing you to Seattle? My husband has been a few times, but I've only been once and we did do Pike's. It was fun! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :)

  3. haha I love the bag you chose! that colour is gorgeous. i think i need a new bag. have fun in Seattle - jealous! I have never been, so I hope you post all the amazing things so that I can get some ideas when I go.

    1. Thanks! I love it too. I finally transferred my stuff into the new purse yesterday, and I spent all day glancing over to wherever the purse was and smiling, because I love it! :) And I'll post about everything we do, but it might not be much since it's more of a family visit than a tourist visit, but I'm sure we'll do a thing or two that is tourist-y and exciting :)


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