the one with a book review

My in-laws are all crazy readers. Whenever we get together, conversation eventually comes around to who's been reading what, and what everyone is learning from what they're reading. 

it always makes me wish i read more.

I used to read all the time in elementary school. I'd check out two books from the library every day and I'd finish them both within the day. (The small-type chapter books, but still!)

But between studying, having a social life, and talking to boys (and eventually having a husband), I mostly stopped reading.

Until last March. I started reading again, and I found that reading a book is a much more efficient way to procrastinate than cyber-stalking on Facebook. Facebook gets old, but I'd still keep looking at it when I didn't want to do my work. Reading lasts a lot longer and it's a lot more satisfying!

My latest book is one of my favorites. I read it for the first time when I was about fourteen, and I've said it was my favorite book ever since then. Since that was about 7 years ago, I decided I should read it again to make sure I still liked it enough to call it my favorite. And indeed I do :)

The book is called Enchantment, and it's written by Orson Scott Card. He also wrote the Ender's Game series, so if you liked that, you're likely to enjoy this as well. 

Sidenote: I want to name our future son Ender, but Russ says no way. 
Am I totally crazy to like that name??

Basically, the story is a totally crazy twist on the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. It involves time travel, magic, and, of course, an evil witch.

But what I love about it is that it is a story of falling in love. 

Love stories, when written down or acted out in movies, often seem phony or unrealistic to me. Love is good and wonderful when it happens in real life, but it's just weird in books and movies. 

Don't get me wrong. I like my RomComs, but I usually have 
about as much criticism for them as I have praise.

However, in this novel, Card does a fabulous job of showing readers exactly what each person is feeling toward the other. His characters move from duty, to respect, to friendship, and finally to love throughout the course of the novel. 

Basically, this book is awesome, and you should read it!

However, be warned: the first chapter is pretty weird, and it takes about four chapters to set the story up. But I promise, it's a wonderful book, so it's worth it :) 

What a long post about a book! . . . did I convince anyone to read it? ;)




  1. I wanna read it! Also, we have friends that named their son Ender!

    1. Lucky for you, I have one book left in my book bag! (Did you know that this is the book we're reading for ward book group, which is meeting November 2nd?)
      And NO WAY! I'm jealous. Russ is dead set against it, so it won't be happening for me! Haha :)


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