2018 list recap

Each year, I make a huge bucket list of things I could do in the year. My goal is (kind of) to do at least one thing each month so that by the end of the year I have 12 concrete things I have accomplished. However, sometimes I forget about the list, so it doesn't necessarily work out to be one thing per month. 

In 2018, I did (or at least made some progress on) 16 concrete things! Anything with its own blog post is linked :)
  • Cut back on social media usage - Well, at least for 10 days, I did a social media fast. I have intentions of putting strict regulations around social media, but have yet to follow through on that 😐
  • Come up with a meal-planning strategy - kind of. I started using Citrus Pear, which is pretty awesome for people like me who HATE all things having to do with meal planning and prep.
  • Read a book - 168 Hours, Make the Bed, The Power of Now, A Simple Favor, 7, and various sleep books
  • Organize my closet and get rid of anything I don’t wear - ehhh I've decluttered it, but it always needs further decluttering
  • Go on a weekend trip
  • Recover the jump drive - in progress
  • Travel to a new state - Texas
  • Make a 2015 photobook
  • Make a 2016 photobook
  • Finish up 2017 photobook
  • Scan my scrapbooks from 2011-2014 and turn them into photobooks
  • Start a New Year’s tradition - I want more NY traditions than this, but I did decide we would have pot stickers for dinner every NYE. Pot stickers were a Christmastime tradition for Russ growing up, and so I decided we'd adopt it, but for NYE.
  • Get parents’ VHS tapes onto DVD - in progress
  • Make a date night list/box/jar
  • Pare down my Pinterest boards/pins - I did do this a bit, but probably need to do more
  • Throw a surprise party - Okay, so it wasn't a surprise party, but I did throw three parties this year! One for Russ's birthday, one for Ada's birthday, and one for my friend's baby shower (Katie)


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