2018 year in review

The themes of 2018 have definitely been change and growth. We’ve experienced trials, we’ve experienced joy, and through both, we’re becoming who our Savior intends us to be.

In February, after four years of working at Omadi, Russ was laid off. Although it was a shock, it turned out to be a blessing since it gave Russ the push he needed to finally follow his lifelong dream of becoming a pilot. He started flight school in March and began working on a flight line (fueling, moving, and servicing airplanes) in May. He’s logged 65+ flight hours, and he earned his Private Pilot certificate (the first of three steps required to fly for hire) in October. His goal is to complete flight school by the end of next year, and then we’ll be on to new adventures! I was a little nervous to fly with him the first time, but I discovered that he’s an amazing pilot. When he’s not working with airplanes or flying them, he reads books, watches videos, and listens to podcasts about airplanes, so I think he’s definitely pursuing the right career! He continues to be an amazing husband and dad. He loves getting down on the ground to chase and play with Ada, and he gets her giggling like crazy!

Some things that have occupied my year are two monthly girls’ nights (one with friends, one with my mom and sisters), weekly visits to help my mom with whatever she’s working on (Ada loves going to grandma’s house!), creating photobooks for our entire marriage, and decluttering (I’m determined to only own things I truly want and use!). However, the most predominant part of my year has been my business. I finished my child sleep consulting certification program in January and launched Sleeping Child, Sane Parent in March. I’ve put a lot of work into my company and I feel so proud of what I’ve been able to learn and do! Over the last 9-10 months, I’ve done 36 live video Q&A’s, published 35 blog posts on child and infant sleep, grown my business social media following, published 6 monthly newsletters, done 65+ mini consults, and helped more than 25 families with full consultations. I feel so grateful that God has led me to this career. Ada’s 33-minute naps were such a difficult trial when I was in the midst of them, but they led me here! I love helping other moms and families navigate through difficult sleep issues to find peace and joy.

I also feel incredibly blessed that this career allows me to stay home with our girl, Ada (2). She is beautiful and wonderful and I love watching her discover the world and create herself. She’s a good eater, a fantastic sleeper, and she’s so polite! There’s just nothing cuter than hearing her say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ We’re trying our best to teach her not to hit or yell (she’s quite fond of both), and we’re also teaching her to recognize emotions within herself and others. She always recognizes sadness, and she’s quick to seek comfort and offer it; it’s pretty adorable. Miss Ada loves a good dance party, and she’s also recently started to play pretend, specifically when it comes to cooking, cleaning, and taking care of baby dolls. She talks a ton, loves playing with friends and cousins, and her favorite part of the week is nursery!

In March, our little family took a trip to Texas to visit my sister’s family; in August, Ada spent a week with Russ’s parents while Russ and I went to Hawaii with some of my family; and in November, Russ and I attended a marriage conference in Bryce Canyon! We still host on AirBnB, and we’ve had mostly good experiences with it. For the last few months, Russ and I have made weekly date nights a true priority, and I think we finally found a system that works for us (see our adventures on IG @rushleydatenight)!

We’re so grateful for wonderful friends and family, and for our Savior who stands with us through all the ups and downs of life. May you feel His love throughout this Christmas season and always!

With love,  
Russ,  Ashley,  & Ada  Holmes


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