5 on friday
one. I discovered (rediscovered?) this week that I'm horrible at keeping secrets. Not other people's (usually), but my own. If I ever have anything exciting going on, something that is supposed to be kept under wraps for some reason or another, I have the hardest time not telling everybody . After Russ and I had talked about getting married, but before we got engaged officially (a period of 5 weeks ), I really tried to keep it a secret. At first I only told family and best friends. And then, by the time we actually got engaged, I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire world already knew it was happening. Most people wait until they are about 12 weeks pregnant before mass-announcing that they are pregnant. I don't know how on earth I will do that, because I'm pretty sure the second I find out I'm pregnant, I'll want to tell everyone . Haha so we'll see what happens there. But as for what I'm having a hard time keeping secret at this moment i...