
Showing posts from March, 2014

5 on friday

one.  I discovered (rediscovered?) this week that I'm horrible at keeping secrets. Not other people's (usually), but my own. If I ever have anything exciting going on, something that is supposed to be kept under wraps for some reason or another, I have the hardest time not telling everybody .  After Russ and I had talked about getting married, but before we got engaged officially (a period of 5 weeks ), I really tried to keep it a secret. At first I only told family and best friends. And then, by the time we actually got engaged, I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire world already knew it was happening.  Most people wait until they are about 12 weeks pregnant before mass-announcing that they are pregnant. I don't know how on earth I will do that, because I'm pretty sure the second I find out I'm pregnant, I'll want to tell everyone . Haha so we'll see what happens there. But as for what I'm having a hard time keeping secret at this moment i...

it's a love story {part 1}

As I spend more and more time blog-surfing, I love reading about other bloggers. I love learning where they're from, what they like to do, and I especially enjoy a good love story [every love story is a good one :)]. People who know me well know that my favorite topics of conversation are babies, food, crafting, blogging, and . . .   relationships . So I figured it's about time I wrote about mine :) Part One - We Met During my freshman year of college at BYU, I roomed with my best friend from high school, Ashlee. Yup--same name, same interests, and consequently, same living arrangements for two years of my college life.  Us, just loving our lives as freshmen :) Things went really well for us during freshman year, so we decided to continue the arrangement for sophomore year.  We procrastinated finding an apartment, and as a result, we ended up looking at only a few. In the end, we were deciding between two apartments. I remember saying to Ash, "I feel ...


For anyone who is friends with me on Facebook, you already know that I had something very  irritating happen to me yesterday evening. So irritating, that I'm having a hard time getting over it, and some of the things that followed. But instead of focusing on that, I'm going to take a cue from  Lisa  and post about things I'm thankful for today, because I could use a little boost. And since I can't rely on anyone else to boost me up (not for lack of others trying, but just because we're the only ones who can boost ourselves--we have to make that choice), I suppose I'll take this measure to give myself that boost. I'm thankful that Russ has perfected the bread recipe, because it's the best bread I've ever tasted! It's seriously amazing. I normally don't like bread that much, but I eat this bread like candy. I'm thankful that Russ and I are so similar. It's nice to have someone I can rely and depend on, who knows me and agrees ...

5 on friday

one . Spring! I'm seeing spring everywhere--outside and on every blog I visit. I love the warm weather and sunshine and flowers popping up :) I wish I could say I took this picture, but alas, it's just from the internet :) two . I have this birdcage that sits on one of my shelves and I change what I put inside of it for each season. For summer, I have citrus fruits (fake oranges, lemons, and limes). For fall, I have mini pumpkins and fake fall leaves. For winter, I have pinecones. Now, as I just mentioned above, it's springtime! But I have no idea what should fill the birdcage throughout spring . . . I've considered fake flowers, but I just don't want them to look fake, so I don't know if I want to go in that direction. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions?? I'm open to anything :) three . My birthday is coming up! Well, sort of. In just under two months :) Last year, for my 21st, we were planning to have a mocktail party, but basically we ...

"special" date night

Oh, hello again, blog world! I've been in Texas partying with my sisters and nieces and nephews for the past few days, and then catching up on time with my husband, so I haven't posted in a while! I'll do posts about my trip soon, but today I'm posting about something else. Remember  a few posts ago  when I mentioned I was excited for an upcoming date with R? Well we went to Color Me Mine, a ceramic painting place, and worked on something I've wanted for a while.  I don't know if everyone does this, but at my house growing up, we had what we called the "special plate." We should have called it the "best plate" because it said "You're the best!" on it, but alas, it was the special plate.  The special plate was special because it was used only for birthdays, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. For us kiddos, that meant we only got to use it once each year! Thus it was special, indeed :) Our plate (when I was growing up...

one last post about the bachelor

Wow. Was anyone else completely annoyed throughout The Bachelor 's finale? My biggest problem with reality TV is that no one seems to be able to accurately express what they're feeling. I think viewers understand what's going on, but somehow, everyone else seems clueless. Probably because they're actually involved, so their hearts are in it or something. With that, here are my thoughts on the finale. #1 - I think it's totally fine that JP didn't propose or even say "I love you." Saying those words is a big deal, and if you don't feel it, you shouldn't say it. I think he really took to heart what Nikki's dad said a few episodes ago, and so he wants to be sure he feels whatever he says. Not to mention, he just went through a very unconventional route to finding someone, followed by a few months of hiding that relationship, so I don't blame him for being unsure. It takes a lot  of people a lot more  than ten weeks to say those word...

5 on friday

one. I just have to start out by saying how happy I am that it's Friday and the weekend!! I only have one class on Friday, so I often skip it, and that's definitely happening today so I can get the weekend started early! I have a fun date planned tonight for me and R, so check back soon for pics :) two. I also think I'm going to be totally free from homework this weekend! YAY! That means maybe I'll get some time to craft. Here are some things I'm considering making :) via via Where should I start? Anyone want to join me to craft?? :D three. My niece is seriously the most adorable girl ever. She is 16 months old, and she just said my name this week! Not all the time, but she definitely said it. And, when I saw her today, she not only left her mom's arms to let me hold her, but she then stayed with me pretty much the whole time she was here, even choosing me over Grandma! [Sorry Grandma :)] Love that sweet girl :) Hadley Ann (more common...

everything is awesome

I haven't even seen the lego movie, and in creating this post, it's only the first time I've even heard the song, but I've heard about this song a bunch lately and it's the only thing that came into my head as I was thinking about my life right now: Everything is awesome! Part 1 With four jobs and twelve credits, life is a little crazy. And sometimes, everything stacks up at once, which gets really crazy. But lucky for me, even though I just had a stack-up, everything has been staggered just enough to work-- Feb 22 - Sociolinguistics midterm Feb 28 - Sewing midterm Mar 3 - Sociolinguistics project & 8-page paper due Mar 4 - History of English midterm; all worksheets for HoE unit 2 due Mar 5 - Design project 1 due Mar 6 - Completed skirt (for sewing) due I'm the kind of person who likes to focus on one thing at a time until I finish. If I have two tests on the same day, I have a really hard time with it because I don't feel like I can ...

which ones?

via via via I love them all . . .  **ashleynicole