that one time my idea was featured on gretchen rubin's podcast

I read The Happiness Project wayyy back in 2014. I loved it! It's not my faaaavorite self-help book, but I definitely enjoyed it. Then, when I jumped in to the world of podcasts shortly after Ada was born, I soon started listening to Happier with Gretchen Rubin. I binge listened during the months that I would try to hold Ada during naps in order to extend the naps (PS, that didn't work . . . only a sleep consultant could help me!), and I still listen now.

Several months ago, Gretchen did a podcast on "planning a virtual move." It didn't turn out to be what I expected, so after listening, I wrote in and shared my idea, which Gretchen then shared in a subsequent episode! I remember waking up the morning that the episode came out, seeing my phone alert me that I had a new podcast from Gretchen Rubin called, "Plan a Virtual Move 2.0," and wondering if maybe, just maybe, it was about the idea I had sent in . . . and it was! (I didn't know ahead of time that she was going to use my idea.) It was such a cool feeling!

So if you feel so inclined, check it out! It's from 5:20 to 12:58.


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