month 1 {january}

the very first time I ever put on this 2014 christmas present shirt :) How Far Along: 4 weeks 6 days Size: A poppyseed! I can't even believe something so tiny turns into a full fledged baby . . . that is also tiny. Ha! :) Gender: Obviously not sure yet, but I'm feelin' girl. I heard "Way I Are" during a workout this week and at the part where it says "Baby Girl" over and over, I was thinking, "I'm totally going to sing this song to my baby!" Hahaha made me feel like Ross & Rachel singing "Baby Got Back" to Emma. But on that gender note, feel free to cast your vote in the sidebar on the right until April 24th-ish :) Name: I'm calling it Little Love or Baby Love at the moment :) Movement: Not yet, of course. Fun Fact: The Ovia pregnancy app lets you choose a theme for how you want the size of your baby to be told! The options are fruit/vegetable, Parisian bakery, fun & games, and we...