life lately: dates, donuts, and departing

  • Russ and I are trying to be better about going on dates. Sometimes we're successful, sometimes we're not. And then sometimes, I think we try to over-compensate for those times when we don't go on real dates, by having one giant marathon date. A few weeks ago, we got Jimmy Johns for dinner, then went climbing at the quarry, then walked around ShopKo for a while, then got ice cream at Cold Stone, and then topped it all off with Interstellar at the dollar theater. In case you're wondering, the date was about 7 hours long. Ha! We are old married people--we don't stay up til 1am anymore! But we sure did that night.

  • Last weekend, I caught up with my girlfriend, Kari. We met in 6th or 7th grade, became best friends, and then I moved away a year or two later. We've managed to stay good friends over the past 8 years, and hanging out with her was so fun :) We went to the Draper temple together (still checking off temples for my bucket list!). Then we went to Beyond Glaze, which I have been thinking about ever since I saw Emmy's post about it. It did not disappoint. I really love my donuts, and I've been wanting to find a donut place that makes pretty and delicious donuts, and Beyond Glaze fits the bill. In fact, though I set out to get just one donut, I couldn't walk away with fewer than six (though I did not eat them all in one sitting! but I did try all of them while we were there). Oreo was AMAZING, and so were all the raspberry/strawberry flavors. I wasn't a fan of the chocolate frosting, so I didn't love the pumpkin chocolate chip or the chocolate-covered strawberry. Also, the base donut is the same for everything, so the flavor comes completely from the frosting. This isn't bad, but I'd say the base donuts aren't the best I've ever had. So there you go :) A comprehensive review. Now get to Draper and try these amazing things! Kari and I were there for two hours just talking, so Russ got worried and texted me asking if I was okay or if I had exploded from eating too many donuts. That kid :)

Read my review about these DELICIOUS donuts from Beyond Glaze :)
clockwise from top left: oreo, pumpkin chocolate chip, chocolate-covered strawberry,
raspberry torte, raspberry lemonade, strawberry cream cheese

  • Russ and I have been talking about buying a house for a while now and saving to do so. We had to decide by March 1 whether or not we were going to renew our contract at our apartment, so we decided we wouldn't renew, and we'd finally enter the world of home owning (well, in like July). We're super excited to move into a bigger place and to have a few things we've been going without these first 3 years of our marriage. We're still not sure about any details, but we're excited for the whole process :) But then, an engaged couple came to see our apartment last night before signing a contract, and the girl just gushed about how great it was. And really, it is pretty great. I'm crafty and I like to decorate, so we've taken that crappy one-bedroom apartment and flipped it to be pretty great. We've even re-painted all the walls and had the carpet replaced while we've lived there. So having her love it so much did make me a little bit sad that we'll be leaving our first place in just a few short months. But hopefully this couple will love it as much as we have :)

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  1. OMG beyond glaze is the best. i did a segment on KSL over the summer about it, because i just can't get over how good it is! also - oreo is my favorite too! woohoo! and YAY for moving soon - buying a house is so exciting!

    1. Haha I'm glad you share my love of the oreo flavor! It's usually my husband's favorite flavor of anything and I don't think it's all that fantastic, but at Beyond Glaze. Man. Oreo is where it's at! And that's so cool you did a segment on it. I need to go to KSL sometime and watch you work--I bet you're great! :)

  2. That's so exciting! I'm doing this thing where I'm trying to be excited and not jealous when all my friends buy houses (cause you know, a decade before that phase in life comes for us). It's not hard though. I really am so excited for you! Please post all about the home finding and buying and decorating process. I feel like I'd be clueless going into that.

  3. I didn't know you've been married for three years! Our third year mark is in October. You HAVE to take pictures of your apartment before you move :) I like looking back at our first apartment pictures even though we were only there for a year. You guys learned how to be married there! Congrats on the next step though :)

  4. I followed! Love you! See you soon!


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