
Showing posts from November, 2015

park city getaway

My parents are involved in all sorts of timeshares, so as one of their kids, I'm lucky enough to sometimes reap those benefits! About once/year, they give us a night in Park City, and we get offered all sorts of other weeks but we can't just up and leave work all the time! Haha :) This weekend getaway was especially fun because it had been a while since we'd had a special weekend alone :)  We started out the weekend by eating at a fancy French bistro (Bistro 412) using a deal. The food was expensive but the deal was good, so it worked out :) We got one salad and one meal to share, as well as some mac'n'cheese and fries for our super adult palates ;) Everything was delicious :) Next, we went into a photo gallery on Main Street. It had beautiful photos of outdoor scenes. We couldn't get very good pics though haha :) After that, we went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and got some tasty treats. I got an apple pie carme...

four things {about me}

Four Nicknames Wow well my only current ones are Ash and Athelthryth, but in the past I've had Petey (from my maiden name) and Shey (from taking a few letters out of my name) Four Jobs I've Had Teacher's Assistant for a design class, program coordinator, editorial assistant, math tutor Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once While You Were Sleeping, She's the Man, Stick It, Runaway Bride Four Things In My Purse notebook, chapstick, sunglasses, wallet Four Books I Would Recommend  The Happiness Project, The Tipping Point, The Five Love Languages, Tuesdays with Morrie Four Cars I've Driven Well the only car that's been mine is a Toyota Carola, but I guess I've also  driven a Nissan Murano, Lexus ES350, and a Toyota Camry Four Places I've Visited Hawaii, Korea, Mexico, Seattle Four Places To Visit On My Bucket List Paris, England, Greece, Portugal Four of My Favorite Foods Piz...

#rushleydatenight 2

8.21.15 Every time it's my turn to plan, I spend a little bit of time freaking out because I can't think of anything to do that sounds fun enough and creative enough, and then once I figure something out, I spend a lot of time wishing I got to plan every  date night because it's so much fun! So for this date, I was trying to figure out what we should do, and I remembered a blog post written several months ago by Kayla @ All My Best . She has lots of good ideas on that post, but the one that stood out to me for this date was playing with puppies at the Puppy Barn ! The Puppy Barn is basically just a small PetsMart with only puppies. The puppies are for sale, but you don't have to pay to get in and you don't have to be planning to buy a pup to go in, so you basically get to hold and pet cute little pups for free! Russ always seems to love baby animals, so it was perfect! And since the Puppy Barn is in American Fork, that helped me plan the rest of the date real quick...

halloween 2015 {mermaid & pirate}

Halloween is a holiday that no one in my family really likes. My mom was actually really awesome so we always decorated like crazy for the holiday and I always had a costume, but she and the rest of my family just aren't super fans. However, for some reason or another, I like the holiday. I don't like spooky or scary things, but I love dressing up in a fun costume. Russ is more like my family--he doesn't care too much about dressing up. BUT he is a good sport and lets me plan our costumes and once he okays his costume, he's fine to wear it. But for the first 3 Halloweens of our marriage, I was in school, which didn't allow for much time to plan a Halloween costume. This was the first year I actually had some time on my hands. But even still, I didn't have costumes for us two weeks before Halloween. I had talked to Russ about us being a pirate and a mermaid a few months before Halloween, but I just never got going on it. (Luckily though, I did ask him to stop...

thanksgiving week {snowball fight and other randoms}

My faaaavorite part about Thanksgiving week was actually an impromptu snowball fight. We had just returned home from our Christmas experience  and there was snow on the driveway. Russ and I were first to arrive, and because Russ knows how much my mom hates driving on the driveway when there's snow on it (because it packs it down and makes it harder to get rid of), he started shoveling the driveway. After a minute or two, I followed suit and got to work on the driveway (aka it took me longer to feel charitable than it took him haha). When Brooke and Ryan and the girls got home, those Texas girls were super excited about the newly fallen snow, and they wanted to play! At first, I was just focused on getting the work done, but then decided, why not join this spontaneous snowball fight? There's no reason good enough not to! (I'm hoping when I'm a parent someday, I'll be really good at letting my kids be little and have fun and I won't shut them down all the time b...