sweatshop (aka russ's dietbet)

Over the course of our marriage, Russ and I have definitely gained some weight. At our highest weights, Russ had gained about 25 pounds and I had probably gained around 20 pounds. When Russ weighed himself at that high weight, he was noooootttt happy about it, so this past January, he started a DietBet.

Basically in the one he signed up for, you have six months to lose 10% of your body weight. DietBet sets monthly quotas that you have to reach (3%, 3%, 2%, 1%, 1%, maintain) so that you don't do anything drastic.

For the first few months, Russ did great, but in months 4 and 5, I guess he did more eating than exercising, because making those goals was tough! (I mean seriously? We went on a cruise in that time. No way you're leaving a cruise without packing on a little more weight.) But this last Thursday, Russ did his final weigh in and met his final goal! He has lost about 17 pounds over the last six months, so I am SO proud of him for this accomplishment! But I also had to share one of the drastic things he did to help himself make weight in month 5 :)

You have two specific days on which you can weigh in each month. In this particular month, those days fell on a Sunday and a Monday. The Sunday was Fast Sunday (we don't eat or drink until dinnertime on that day) so it was a good day to try to weigh in as far as food goes, but since we don't exercise on Sundays, he couldn't work out to lose more. His alternative was to try to sweat it off.

This is him under every blanket we own, with some of them even doubled up! He was also wearing double sweatshirts and double sweatpants underneath this mound of blankets. He took a nap like that and woke up so sweaty and gross haha :) Once that didn't work, he walked around in our super hot garage for an hour wearing plastic bags under his sweatclothes. When he came in, he was literally dripping sweat! That crazy boy.

The saddest part? None of it worked! By dinnertime, he still wasn't close enough to his goal weight, so he had to go ahead and eat dinner. But he ate light that night and did a lot of exercising Monday morning so that he could barely make that benchmark :)

But I loved how dedicated he was to his goal! He's a rockstar in my book :) Oh and just so nobody thinks I've just been lazy through all of this, I am also down about 10 pounds just from trying (sometimes, not all the time) to eat healthier and exercise with Russ :) Here's to more progress for both of us :)

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