hawaii part 2 {hikes}

for other hawaii posts: 
part 1 - food
part 3 - beaches
part 4 - other activities

We did a few hikes on our trip which was great because Hawaii is beautiful and there is so much to see!

Diamond Head Trail ($1/person) - This was an easy hike, with the only difficult part being a bunch of stairs toward the end of the hike, but even those weren't bad.

Koko Crater Hike (free) - ohhh myyy goshhhh. This one was toughhh for me! It's one thousand stairs, except instead of being stairs, they're railroad ties and they're spaced further apart, so it is one thousand stairs basically meant for giants. Definitely a harder hike, one I, personally, wouldn't take kids on. However, there were people running the whole way, people doing it in flip flops, and right after we got to the top, a mom carrying her kid in a sling or backpack or something came up, so I guess it just depends on your athleticism!

Makapu'u Point (free) - This was another hike that was pretty easy. We liked going off the paved path when there were other dirt paths to explore :) Though you could see the lighthouse, you couldn't actually hike to the lighthouse because I think it was illegal.

crazy hair, don't care!

matching turtle shirts!

So much beauty to see! If only I were a better photographer so I could take better pics! Oh well, these will have to do :)

 photo AshleySIG_zpsf3e0719e.png


  1. oh my gosh it looks so pretty! I'm so jealous that you got to go to Hawaii. That's awesome!


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