mid-week date night

Russ and I recently made some new years resolutions, one of which was to really get back to dating each other. Throughout our marriage, we've done a lot of hanging out, but not so much dating. Who knew the hanging out vs. dating problem still existed after marriage!

Since we're both so busy now, the time we get together is really important, so we want to spend that time dating as much as we can :) We're going to switch off planning our dates, so Russ was up first.

On Wednesday, he took me to a restaurant neither of us had ever been to because he found a groupon for it. It was such a cool place!

It's called Dave and Cranky's, with a live violinist and a hipster atmosphere. Hipster isn't really our style, but I liked it anyway. It's a small restaurant, and you can see the kitchen from your seat. It's kind of expensive, and the food takes a long time to get to you. BUT. The food is great. I felt like Queen Latifa in Last Holiday when she goes to the restaurant and orders everything on the menu because that's what I wanted to do! Every dish is supposed to please a certain palette or each thing within a dish pleases a certain part of the palette or something like that. So basically, the food is fancy even if the restaurant isn't super fancy. I got chicken and waffles and Russ got meatloaf and mashed potatoes. But both dishes were delicious and more interesting combinations of flavors than I ever have. It was awesome :) I should have taken pictures, but I just enjoyed it too much to think about that!

Afterward, Russ said we were going to watch my favorite movie together :) I had just watched it over Christmas break with my mom and sisters (because we all love it) but I fell asleep, so he told me then that he would watch it with me soon. He was true to his word! And it was fun to watch it with him because it's a RomCom, so those are always more fun when you can cuddle, too :)

I love date nights with my honey :) I'm excited to have a lot more of them in 2014!

What fun dates have you been on? I'm always looking for more ideas! :)



  1. I agree! I think dating is just as hard when you married, you get in the groove of just hanging out and it gets hard!

  2. For sure! And it never gets easier so I guess we just gotta take our dates no matter what other obligations we've got going on :)


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