the one with a german accent [but only if you click the third link]

Spiritual Sunday

[Cool graphic coming soon . . . ]

If you're new here, and don't know what Spiritual Sunday is, head on over to this blogpost to see what it's all about!

At the most recent General Conference, Elder Uchtdorf gave a talk entitled, "Come, Join with Us."

I was sick that day, so unfortunately, I fell asleep. But I watched it the other day, and I just love it! I highly recommend reading or watching it here :) (unfortunately, I can't embed the video . . . )

He spends a lot of time inviting people to come and join with the Mormons (hence the title), but if you want, you could ignore that and you'd still find goodness in the things he shares.

What I really enjoyed about the talk was how much he focuses on telling people, "You're not perfect, and that's okay."

I think people spend so much time thinking that they're not good enough, that they're hopelessly flawed, and that they'll never be able to do enough.

Which, in part, is true. No matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, 
we will never be good enough to get to Heaven on our own. We all have to rely on Christ's Atonement.

But it's also true that if you are doing all that you can to improve and work toward perfection, it is enough. 

So don't focus on your flaws. You're human, I'm human, we're all human. And therefore, we all have flaws. What's important is keeping our focus on improving just a little bit each day, so that someday, in the far, FAR future, maybe we'll finally achieve perfection :) 

I know that's possible, and I know that trying to be perfect is enough for now. 

What do you think? As always, any and all comments are welcome :)



  1. Pretty sure I was there for one of the 'watching it five times in a row' episodes :) Great song, thanks for sharing! I love that I was supposed to be productive this morning, but read all your past blog posts instead.............ha! Thanks for the good reads.


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