month 3 {june}

How Far Along: 14 weeks 0 days

Size: a beet

Gender: Well, we found out around 10 weeks using a SneakPeak test, but Russ doesn't entirely trust it, so we're waiting until an ultrasound confirms it to announce.

Name: Russ and I downloaded an app like Tinder but with name ideas (swipe left if you don't like it, swipe right if you do!). So we're occasionally discussing names for a few minutes, but definitely nothing solid. He vetoed all my favorite names that I brought to the table before getting the app.

Movement: I keep thinking I'm maybe feeling something, but I'm pretty sure it's just me feeling my body functions more acutely since it's still early.

Fun Fact: I can't think of anything at the moment!

Sleep: Is not great. I just feel like I wake up pretty frequently. I fall back to sleep quickly, but it's still an interruption! I'm mostly not sleeping on my stomach anymore. I think I'll need a pillow between my knees soon.

Weight Gain: Ughhh I've gained way more than I should have by now. I'll have to make up for it with better eating and exercise in the months ahead. I've gained 15 😱 With Ada I gained 10 in the first trimester, and I thought that was a lot! I literally started wearing maternity pants at the beginning of the month (so like 10 weeks pregnant) because everything else felt uncomfortable. They're a little big, but not really.

Symptoms: I just feel like everything is coming on so much more quickly these days! I already feel somewhat uncomfortable and I already have difficulty breathing sometimes, and it's so early!! I was still nauseous and starving throughout the rest of the first trimester, but those do seem to have settled down in the last week or two. I also threw up TWICE this month. I never threw up with Ada, so the first time I threw up with this baby, it was really out of nowhere. I had just taken a new prenatal vitamin like 5 minutes earlier, and I guess my body didn't like it! The second time, I had already gone to bed for the night, and I'm not sure whether or not I had fallen asleep, but my stomach started hurting so I got up to go to the bathroom, and then had to puke while on there. So that was super fun to clean up basically in the middle of the night 😖 (haha, sorry for the TMI!). But I was grateful it at least happened in the bathroom, with so many easy-to-clean surfaces.

Diabetes: Ugh. Let's just not talk about it 😂 I'm not paying any more attention to it than I do when I'm not pregnant (which is not much). Part of the reason is that we (me and my doctor) are working on getting me a new pump and continuous glucose monitor (CGM) that will basically become my brain and do all the work -- it will automatically adjust to give me more or less insulin based on what it senses my blood sugar is doing. It will be a game changer! But the process has taken longer than I anticipated (should be getting it in the next two weeks or so though!), and I prematurely stopped caring so much about blood sugars 😬

Cravings/Aversions: k I just feel like I want to eat everything. I remembered my Ada cravings for bagels and crackers and then I craved them with this baby. I crave sweet things. I crave salty things. I crave ALL THE THINGS. No aversions to eating, but just like with Ada, any smells I already don't like (car smells, bad breath, bathroom smells) are so much more repulsive when pregnant.

Diet/Exercise: k Totally non-existent. Trying to find the motivation to get back to exercising and pick up on healthier eating, like I promised myself I would before I got pregnant 😩

Missing Most: Being able to hold Ada on my hip/in my arms easily. My belly isn't big enough to set her on yet, but if her body presses on my belly for too long (longer than about 20 seconds), it gives me a stomachache or makes me winded, so I have to put her down or pass her to Russ. I miss just being able to hold my girl effortlessly!

Nursery: No progress until we confirm gender. We're trying to decide whether the babies will share rooms, whether the new one will get Ada's room and Ada will get moved, or whether the new one will take over the guest room. We're still pretty undecided!

Daddy: One of the main reasons I wanted to do the SneakPeak test was because last time around, things got more real for Russ after finding out gender; I was trying to speed the process along this time! It really backfired though, because Russ didn't believe it, and honestly kinda fought against me anytime I wanted to talk about the baby. He takes a while to warm up to pregnancies and he doesn't like to be pushed to get there sooner than he's ready. After that, I backed off, so then he just recently became more okay with the whole thing.

Ada: Still seems like she likes the baby :) She'll talk about it sometimes and kiss my belly sometimes. She likes to comment, "Your belly's getting bigger, mama!"

Highlights & Memories: I can't think of anything 😬 Honestly, this pregnancy feels so different from the first time around -- like, I just don't have as much time to think about it or dwell on it! With Ada, I checked my app every day to see what was new. With this baby, I check once/week, and sometimes I forget to do even that! I still love this baby and I'm still excited to welcome him or her, but my toddler and business keep me pretty occupied, I guess!

Can’t Wait For: Confirming gender, picking a name, and feeling movement!


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