month 9 {december}
How Far Along: 38 weeks 2 days Size: App says she's the size of a spaghetti squash -- "almost 7 pounds" and "more than 19.5 inches," but my guess is that she's in the 10-pound range and at least 20 inches. Guess we'll see! Gender: Girl Name: Holly B 💗 Movement: Still moving all over. It's just so crazy how there's an entire human in my tummy, and how she can totally change the shape of my belly based on how she's moving. Sometimes when I wake in the night, she's moving around, and that's one of my favorite times to feel her because I'm not distracted by anything else and it feels like it's just the two of us :) (usually it doesn't keep me awake for long, which is why I like it. On days when I can't fall back asleep, I'm not as big a fan 😂) Sleep: I almost guarantee I'll sleep better after she's born than I'm sleeping now. The hip pain, the bathroom trips, the charley hor...