month 6 {september}

How Far Along: 27 weeks 1 day

Size: A bunch of bananas -- about 15 inches and over two pounds.

Gender: Girl :)

Name: We still haven't solidified a middle name. I have one that I think sounds really good, but at one point Russ vetoed it; however, when I mentioned it again this week, he didn't shut it down right away, so maybe there's hope! Pretty sure we're sticking with Holly for the first name though, as nothing else has come up and Ada constantly refers to her as "baby Holly" 😍

Movement: Allllllllll the time!! I'm legitimately getting nervous for sleep with this one because it seems like she's never still! Most of the time, I'm loving all the kicks and rubs and pokes. The only time I don't love it is when she repeatedly kicks my bladder. Even if I've just gone to the bathroom, it makes me feel like I have to go again 😂

Sleep: Sleep still isn't too bad. I often have to get up once for a bathroom trip, and my hips are starting to get sore more frequently, but all in all, not too bad :)

Weight Gain: Up 33.6 pounds total, up 7.4 pounds from last month 😬 Someday I'll decide (REALLY decide, motivated by something internal that I can't seem to access so far in my life) to prioritize my health 😩

Symptoms: Charley horses are coming up, but none too horrific yet. Feeling big, especially when I have to get out of bed or off a couch. I had some pain all around my belly button for a few days (which I remember having with Ada), but it seems to have disappeared for now. The worst symptom has been a sharp pain just above my belly button (and to my right) -- it kind of comes and goes, but when it's here, blowing my nose/laughing/coughing are all excruciatingly painful. Seriously feels like a knife!! 

Diabetes: Is staying about the same. I think my last three a1C's have been 7.1, 7.0, and 6.9, so I guess slowly getting slightly better? I think the key to the really low a1C's is a lower carb diet, which I obviously have never stuck to long-term.

Cravings/Aversions: I don't really think I'm having many these days, but I DO think that earlier on in my pregnancy, nachos were a definite craving. Because I had the same nachos and dip recently that I had in the early months, and they were still tasty, but they weren't like "OHMYGOSH these are hitting the spot!!" If anything, I'm just craving sugary things. I keep saying it's time to cut back and then I keep wanting something else. All the celebrations of Ada's birthday last week brought lots of cake, donuts, and other sweet things, and I just want them all!!

Diet/Exercise: Why is this even on here. Idk what it will take to get me eating better and working out. Even walking and pushing a stroller is difficult these days because I've been so inactive. Ada is old enough now that she really doesn't want to be pushed around in a stroller, otherwise I think we'd go on a daily walk like we've done in summers/falls past. But since she fights it so hard, it's hard for me to get out and do it. So then when we do, I'm reminded of how out of shape I am. *sigh*

Missing Most: Just being able to get up more easily, I think. And being able to hold Ada in my lap properly.

Nursery: Not really planning to make any changes to the nursery, other than I'd like to do something fun (like wallpaper or shiplap) on the wall behind the crib. Haven't made any strides on that yet though. Also don't think I'll be doing much to the guest room (which will become Ada's room in 6 months), but I'll analyze that more once we stop hosting on AirBnB (Dec 1).

Daddy: We cannot seem to dedicate any time to talking about names. He's just not interested 😂 So I've told him if we don't come up with something together, I'm just picking and he'll just have to deal. He did say that he thinks the middle name needs to be one syllable, and I've picked two different ones that are one syllable, so unless he comes up with something better, it might just be what I want! 😂

Ada: So cute with my baby bump 😍 I just love the hugs and snuggles she gives baby Holly :)

Highlights & Memories: 
  • Still so fun having so many friends and family members pregnant! There's always someone just ahead of me or just behind me and it's just fun :)
  • We tentatively planned a C-section date with the doctor, so that made it more real! Dec. 19 is the day! :) Chose this date for a few reasons -- it's as far away from Christmas as I can get, it's not Dec 20 or 21 which are birthdays of other (extended) family members, and it makes her birthday 12.19.19 -- I just like the double 19 I guess haha 😂 Also, at first we thought we'd do Dec 20 because it's a Friday which is what we did with Ada, which made it convenient for Russ when it comes to work because at least the first two days off were weekend days. Then, it also made Ada's first bday party the following year fall perfectly on a Saturday! So when we switched to the 19th for Holly, I was like, dang that will make her first birthday on a Friday instead of a Saturday, except 2020 is leap year, so her first birthday will STILL fall on a Saturday! Haha it's just perfect since Saturdays are best for parties! 😂 You know, all these things that don't REALLY matter, but it's still nice to have these tiny conveniences :)
Can’t Wait For: I'm just excited for all the holidays coming up!! I was saying to Russ how it's nice that this baby is coming (mostly) AFTER all the holidays, because I remember just being stressed out about all the holidays with a new baby last time, but this time, baby will still be cooking, so that's easier to deal with 😂 However, I'm not excited to be 8 months pregnant on Thanksgiving, because I'm pretty sure that will impede my ability to eat as much of all the yummy food that I'll want to eat 😂 It's okay, Holly Girl -- you're worth it all! :)


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