month 5 {august}

How Far Along: 22 weeks 6 days

Size: She's the size of a bunch of grapes, and should be a little over 12 inches long now

Gender: It's a girl! :)

Name: I'm prettttttty positive her first name will be Holly, but still no middle name

Movement: A I first felt her move on the inside a day before I turned 19 weeks, and I've been feeling her much more strongly (and on the outside) for a week or two now (21/22 weeks). 

Sleep: I usually wake up to pee once in the night around 3am. Not taking naps much anymore. Soreness wakes me up sometimes.

Weight Gain: I gain weight so weirdly in pregnancy. I gain big chunks in the first few months, and smaller chunks in the later months, which is opposite of most people, pretty sure. So in the last month, I'm only up 3.6 pounds, and overall, I'm up 26.2 pounds. 

Symptoms: The biggest thing has been round ligament pain and pelvic pain. It would probably help if I'd do some walking every day, but that hasn't been happening! Also just lower energy and feeling like I'm going to die after carrying Ada up the stairs. I'm so out of shape 😖

Diabetes: I'm really liking my new pump/sensor -- for the most part. It's really helped me figure out what small tweaks make a big difference, like giving myself insulin 10-15 minutes before eating. If I'm a good number to start and I do this, I can keep myself from going above 160, which is pretty crazy! My last a1C was down a little, but not much (because I hadn't had the new system very long when I did the test); however, I think my next one will be even better!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing really. Maybe just wanting chocolate and sugar way more than I should 😂

Diet/Exercise: Exercise: nonexistent. Diet: a little better for the most part, because Russ and I committed to not eating out except on date night (once/month!) and not buying treats from the grocery store either. We've done pretty good with that commitment -- not perfect, but pretty close -- so that's been good. However, I did buy s'mores supplies for a weekend party on a Tuesday, and I ended up having to buy more chocolate because I ate it once it was in the house 😬

Missing Most: Being able to hold Ada with ease. I can't hold her for long without it bugging my stomach or breathing, so I don't get to pick her up as much as we'd both like. We do lots of cuddling sitting down though :)

Nursery: So I changed my mind from last month 😂 Ada will stay in her room for the first few months of Baby's life, but when Baby moves out of our room, she'll move into Ada's room and Ada will move into the guest room. That way we don't have to buy a new bed. At first I thought it would be better to add a crib to the guest room so that we could still have guests, but then Russ reminded me that we have a trundle bed in our office, so when Granny and Papa (or whoever!) comes to visit, Ada can sleep on the trundle bed. I'm glad Russ helped me see that because we already have so many extra beds in our house! Haha :) 

Daddy: Likes to squish Holly. We (me and Holly) don't love it 😒😂

Ada: Is so cute :) She constantly tells me, "Mama's belly is getting bigger!" She says "Holly" soooo cute 😍 She also shares with others how she's going to have a baby sister and her name will be Holly :) She says "Baby Holly loves me" and promises to be kind to and share with her sister :)

Highlights & Memories: 
  • Finished her stocking, wahoo! I'm trying to get as much as I can done ahead of time so that I'm not cramming too much in there at the end.
  • 20-week ultrasound confirmed that it's a girl and also showed that she looks completely healthy!
  • Finding out so many friends and family members are also pregnant! It's so exciting to have so many people around me who are also having a baby soon :)
Can’t Wait For: To be done hosting on AirBnB so I can worry about turning that room into Ada's room :) Also still anxious to finalize the name -- once we do, I think I'll be able to get her Christmas ornament! :)


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