ada charlotte {6 years}


Dear Ada,

You're six years old! You are fiery 🔥 You are creative, curious, and you soak up knowledge like a sponge! You can be so kind and empathetic…you can also lose your MIND if you don't get your way 🙃 You and Holly are the best of friends (and the worst of enemies 😅), and you're so excited to have another little baby around here in a few months. Although you weren't a snuggly baby or toddler, you now LOVE to snuggle. You like mermaids, princesses, and you still have a thing for Star Wars, though MUCH less intense than a year ago. You recently figured out how to pump your legs on swings (finally 😅😅) and are obsessed. You're full of energy and ideas, and I love you so!

  • 45.2 pounds (about 53%) and 44.75" (about 42%)
  • 5T-6x fit best.
  • Switched to a high-back booster at about 5y5m.
  • Pumping legs on swings about a month before your birthday.
  • Doing math randomly, just because you feel like it. You've already memorized some simple addition facts, I think (stuff like 3+2 and 4+4)
  • Reading many sight words and sounding out small words, too.
  • Started kindergarten!
Favorite Things
(I asked, and these were your answers)
  • Color: Pink and purple
  • Animal: Cheetah
  • TV show: Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures
  • Movie: The Stolen Princess & Barbie Mermaid Power
  • Food: Wendy's
  • Book: Ryan Hart chapter books
  • Thing to do: Trampoline park
  • Thing to do with
    • Mom: go on dates
    • Dad: go on dates
    • Holly: play barbies
  • What you want to be when you grow up: a trapeze girl
Funny Things You've Said/You Say
  • You STILL say "happenening"!! and "listenening."
  • For a while you would make up jokes, and the jokes made NO sense, but then you'd crack up and cover your mouth like you'd just said the funniest words ever spoken, and THAT is what is funny for everyone else 🤣 Here's an example: "Have you ever seen a chicken with a dog bone in its mouth?"
  • You: "I can see either a star or a planet!"
    Daddy: "It's definitely a planet.
    You: "Wow, you know a lot more about the sky than I do."
  • "I believe in Luca, and Heavenly Father, and Santa."
  • While riding a stick horse that she was in control of, she said, "I said, 'giddy up,' and the horse moved!" And indeed, I had just seen her move her horse in that way, like it was a shock 🤣
  • "I love you a kazillion billion miles!"
  • Talking about cough drops: "The smell tastes so good!"
  • "graham crappers"
  • "I just love taking my shoes off because I love to feel the fresh grass and the sidewalk and the leaves under my feet!"
  • Grandma bought you some jeans that had some rips in them, which you love, and you refer to the rips as "ratties" -- "I like the ratties!"
  • After singing some primary songs together, I asked, "Do you like singing primary songs?"
    You: Yeah :)
    Me: Do you feel happy?
    You: Yeah :)
    Me: That's the Spirit!
    You: I know! I feel it!
Random Tidbits
  • Last Halloween, we went to a big Harry Potter-themed party, and there were some large animatronics. One was a dragon, and you literally thought it was real! You were like hugging me and hiding behind me and being scared. You poor thing! 🤣
  • You've been wearing clothes inside out and/or backwards for about a year now. Not always, and probably not even the majority of the time, but still very frequently. I think you just don't care enough to turn clothes right-side out before putting them on.
  • Many times when we watch a new movie, you spend the next few days or weeks dressing up like your favorite character -- making use of your normal clothes and dress-ups. After first watching Raya, you almost got an undercut haircut to be like Namari.
  • Kindergarten was a bit of a rough transition for you. I thought it would be easy because you're so social and you love to learn, but I guess I forgot that you do tend to feel a little uneasy about big changes. You're not too sure about something new, but after a week or two of kinder, you seemed to adjust. 
  • We eat a lot of kid-friendly foods, like mac'n'cheese and ramen noodles. (I just haven't figured out how to make more complex dinners a thing yet 🤷🏼‍♀️) Occasionally, you'll say, "I just want fruits and veggies for this meal." To be clear, I offer at least one fruit or veggie with every meal -- the problem is that you don't like most veggies and even several fruits! So it's rough.
  • You love to play with barbies. You do that a lot more than you wear dress-ups these days. 
  • You also REALLY love for me to print you a coloring page, and then you color the girl and cut her out.
  • You love listening to playaways during quiet time, and I've also been reading aloud chapter books for about a year now. I love that I can read you books that are also interesting to me! You are always sad when I have to stop for bedtime :)
  • Sleep: We put you to bed around 7:45pm, you take 20-40 minutes to fall asleep, and then you wake up between 6:30 & 7am. We've had some issues with you coming out of your room after I put you to sleep lately, but I've given you some stern reminders that that's not okay, and you're doing better now.  

Love always,


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