month 1 {march/april}
How Far Along: 4 weeks 3 days
Size: A tiny little poppyseed :)
Gender: Man. I really have no clue what Baby is going to be this time. Half the time leading up to getting pregnant I've thought my second would be a boy, and half the time girl, so I'm really in the dark here 😂
Name: If it's a boy, we've had the first name picked out since before we were married (no middle name yet though). If it's a girl, it's still up for debate!
Movement: Not yet, of course :)
Fun Fact: This isn't really a "fun" fact, but it is a fact. I had a diabetes appointment the week before I took the pregnancy test. I had to get some routine labs done, and I was 7-10 days past ovulation (DPO) so I asked if they could do a pregnancy test along with my labs. I got the call later that day that the test came back negative. I was soooo bummed because we tried FAITHFULLY this month -- every day for like 7 days, and every day I laid in bed after with 3 pillows under me for 20-30 minutes. Not getting pregnant after all that work made me feel like it was going to be impossible to ever get pregnant! But when my temperature kept staying high on days that I thought I might start my cycle, I decided I'd take a test. The test immediately showed up the line that means it's negative, and I thought, "Well I already knew this, I don't know why I'd be bummed to know it again," but within three minutes the rest of the test lines showed up and said I was PREGNANT! :D We tried for 8 or 9 months for this baby, so I was definitely ready for a positive test!
Sleep: I had a dream about a baby boy a few days leading up to the pregnancy test, and I also had a weird dream (that I can't remember now) that made me wonder if I was pregnant. I feel like I don't often remember my dreams, so remembering a few of them made me wonder if this was it!
Weight Gain: My weight has been fluctuating a lot lately because I've been using Isagenix shakes but also I love me some cookies. When I weighed myself this morning, I weighed about a pound less than my average. I might continue to drop a few more pounds this pregnancy just because I still have extra weight to lose and now that I'm pregnant, I'll be more fully committed to eating well. We'll see how it goes. Last time, I gained 10 pounds in my first trimester 😱😂
Weight Gain: My weight has been fluctuating a lot lately because I've been using Isagenix shakes but also I love me some cookies. When I weighed myself this morning, I weighed about a pound less than my average. I might continue to drop a few more pounds this pregnancy just because I still have extra weight to lose and now that I'm pregnant, I'll be more fully committed to eating well. We'll see how it goes. Last time, I gained 10 pounds in my first trimester 😱😂
Symptoms: No symptoms really, other than those mentioned in other sections -- some weird dreams and high blood sugars. I guess my breasts are a little tender and I've had a minor cramp or two. I have also taken a lot of naps in the last couple weeks, but I've been going to bed too late and waking up too early, so I'm not sure if it's baby related!
Diabetes: My blood sugars started being high first thing in the morning about 5 days before taking the test. This was a symptom of my last pregnancy, so it was another clue for this pregnancy. However, it was hard to tell, because I also kept eating crappy things late at night, which tends to result in high morning blood sugars.
Cravings/Aversions: None so far. I craved chips and crackers like crazy with Ada, so we'll see if that comes back!
Diet/Exercise: Last time I had an 11 pound baby (10 days early) because no one clearly told me how eating carbs as a diabetic mama directly correlated with Baby gaining extra weight. This time around, I'll be much more conscious of what I eat and I'll go for a lower carb diet. I haven't been exercising lately, but I want to start up. I'll be checking out @goodfortheswole because she puts out a ton of pregnancy-safe exercises.
Missing Most: No time to miss anything yet haha :) I'm just excited to be pregnant again!
Nursery: If it's a girl, she'll probably share with Ada. If it's a boy, we'll add a crib to our guest bedroom (and we'll stop hosting on AirBnB either way).
Daddy: Is nervous, just like with Ada. But I knew to expect it this time. Change is hard for him, even good change! And this is a big, good change. He'll warm up in a few weeks, but I'm trying to just allow him to feel however he feels about it :)
Highlights & Memories:
- Taking a positive test! That's always a fun part when I'm much more used to taking negative tests. I waited until the day before or day of my missed period because I didn't want any false results!
- Telling my best friend! She was soooo excited for me, and we both love talking about all things baby, so it's been great to have someone to chat with about it! I told her the day I took the test. Idk what it is, but I love telling a best friend right away -- did the same thing with Ada!
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