holly b {12 months}

Stats size 3 diapers size 9-12 month clothing -- she is outgrowing clothes more quickly than big sis did because her torso is so long! 20.0 pounds (54%), 28.75 inches (34%) Notable events Thanksgiving trip (and REALLY long car trip) to Arizona, where she met her Holmes great grandparents. She did pretty well with the trip -- even slept at all the times she was supposed to, even in the car! Her birthday party! We threw a rainbow themed party for her, which turned virtual at the last minute due to Covid exposure. She did the crawl (chose the toy doll) and cake smash for the virtual party :) Tricks/Milestones Two teeth! Both bottom teeth came in at the same time right around Thanksgiving. Does a full crawl more often than the shimmy crawl now, but still sometimes does the shimmy crawl :) Constantly pulling up on things, but not yet cruising. Favorite things Taking all the things out of all the places -- books, dress ups, toys, anything. Especially right after it's been cleaned up! S...