holly b {8 months}
Stats size 3 diapers mostly size 3-6 month clothing, but probably ready to size up soon. 16.0 pounds (23%), 26.75 inches (36%) Notable events Nothing really! Tricks Sitting up! You were close last month, so you started sitting up at the beginning of the month and now you're a pro! Saying "mama"! You literally said it for the first time LAST NIGHT. Your first word! And it's me! I'm so excited :) Turning radially. It's the funniest thing -- You're like a dog chasing its tail, but you're chasing your toes :) Clapping (I think it started as an approximation for the sign "more" but we've really gotten lazy with signing, so now you just clap) Favorite things For a few days at the beginning of the month, you would hold onto your foot while breastfeeding. It was so funny, but it was short-lived. You give big ol' open-mouthed kisses wherever you can! I think it's so cute. You shake your head back and forth like it...