holly b {7 months}
Stats size 3 diapers size 3-6 month clothing fits great still. I'll probably pull down the 6-9 month box soon just for more options though! 15.4 pounds (23%), 26.5 inches (51%) Notable events We finally did your baby blessing! With church canceled the last several months, it just kind of fell off the radar. We did the blessing in our home, with only grandparents and our bishop. All the pictures were super cute because you're so smiley! Tricks/Milestones You started rolling from tummy to back right after you turned 6 months, on 6/24. Now you just roll all over the place! :) You aren't doing it as much lately, but for the first couple weeks of the month, you were blowing raspberries all the time. We started you on solids right after you turned 6 months, and it's crazy to see how far you've come! We're following a progressive approach to BLW, so we started with tiny tastes, and now we've moved from tiny tastes, to thickened pu...