
Showing posts from January, 2020

holly's birth story {dad's perspective}

We arrived at the Hospital at about 9:35 to check in for the scheduled C-section. We entered the Labor and Delivery wing and completed the necessary paperwork. They showed us to the room where we would be until the operating room was ready.  Our nurse was named Nicole, and she had Ashley change out of her clothes into a hospital gown for the operation. It looked so funny to have her bum poking out of the back! Then the nurse set up some monitors to keep tabs on Holly’s heartbeat and vitals. She told us that we might be a little bit delayed on the operating time because of some other babies that might need emergency care, so we kind of waited while the preparations were being made, and talked about how crazy it was that we were having a baby today!  Then the nurse came in and told us that they were actually going to take us in earlier than planned! She administered some medications that she told us might have a side effect of anxiety, and Ashley got really anxious ...

holly b {1 month}

Stats size 1 diapers size 0-3 month clothing is a little big, but that's what we put you in :) 10.38 pounds (86%), 22.1 inches (83%) Notable events You came home from the NICU! Breastfeeding is working! A couple days after you came home from the NICU, we just sorta went cold-turkey and made the switch, and although it took a little bit of adjustment, it seems to be working well, because that's all you've been doing for a week+! :) Favorite things You hardly ever spit up! And when you do, it's a tiny little bit. Soooo nice! Your wide eyes are the cutest 😍 Ada loves you so much and it's adorable! She always wants to hold you or hold your hand :) Random tidbits You are a great sleeper! I looooove knowing sleep stuff, because it's been so fun to implement it with you! We've been working on independent sleep, and you're killing it! I mean, you definitely use a binky most of the time (can't wait to ditch that at 4 months!!),...

books in 2019

Well . . . I read almost half my goal 😂 Regular books: Quitter , by Jon Acuff He Chose Life , by Mark Petersen Start , by Jon Acuff More than the Tattooed Mormon , by Al Carroway The Home Edit , by Clea Shearer & Joanna Teplin A Love Letter Life , by Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Square Foot Gardening , by Mel Bartholomew Sleep books: The Happy Sleeper , by Heather Turgeon & Julie Wright Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child , by Marc Weissbluth Sleep Smarter , by Shawn Stevenson Precious Little Sleep , by Alexis Dubief

holly's birth story

It's kind of different going through an entire pregnancy actually knowing when it will all end. With Ada, we got to plan the C-section, but only the day before it actually happened. With Holly, we went into it from the very beginning basically planning to have a C-section 10 days early, just like we did with Ada. As a result, the days and even weeks leading up to birth were filled with checking off final things from my to-do list because I knew my exact deadline. It also made the last night before Holly's birth less stressful than the last night before Ada's birth. I remember with Ada, Russ and I were kind of on edge with each other the night before because we knew so much change was coming but we also felt kind of rushed to get everything done before Ada got here. With Holly, Russ and I were calm and productive the night before. We got most everything done (other than a few last-minute things we'd need to pack in the morning), and then we even chatted in bed for a litt...