holly's birth story {dad's perspective}
We arrived at the Hospital at about 9:35 to check in for the scheduled C-section. We entered the Labor and Delivery wing and completed the necessary paperwork. They showed us to the room where we would be until the operating room was ready. Our nurse was named Nicole, and she had Ashley change out of her clothes into a hospital gown for the operation. It looked so funny to have her bum poking out of the back! Then the nurse set up some monitors to keep tabs on Holly’s heartbeat and vitals. She told us that we might be a little bit delayed on the operating time because of some other babies that might need emergency care, so we kind of waited while the preparations were being made, and talked about how crazy it was that we were having a baby today! Then the nurse came in and told us that they were actually going to take us in earlier than planned! She administered some medications that she told us might have a side effect of anxiety, and Ashley got really anxious ...