
Showing posts from October, 2019

month 6 {september}

How Far Along:  27 weeks 1 day Size:  A bunch of bananas -- about 15 inches and over two pounds. Gender:  Girl :) Name:  We still haven't solidified a middle name. I have one that I think sounds really good, but at one point Russ vetoed it; however, when I mentioned it again this week, he didn't shut it down right away, so maybe there's hope! Pretty sure we're sticking with Holly for the first name though, as nothing else has come up and Ada constantly refers to her as "baby Holly" 😍 Movement:  Allllllllll the time!! I'm legitimately getting nervous for sleep with this one because it seems like she's never still! Most of the time, I'm loving all the kicks and rubs and pokes. The only time I don't love it is when she repeatedly kicks my bladder. Even if I've just gone to the bathroom, it makes me feel like I have to go again 😂 Sleep:  Sleep still isn't too bad. I often have to get up once for a bathroom trip, a...