
Showing posts from September, 2019

ada charlotte {3 years}

Beautiful Ada, This age is quickly becoming my favorite. People talk about "terrible twos" and "threenagers" and I do definitely see moments of crazy, but there's just so much to LOVE! You are talking SO much, you are so sweet and loving, you are really solidifying some of the habits and manners we've been teaching you, you are funny, and you're becoming independent/self-sufficient in so many ways. It never stops blowing my mind how incredible it is to watch you learn and grow. You make me so proud, no matter how big or small your accomplishment! I have to tell you several times a day, "I just love you!" because I do! And I love that you've started saying the same thing to me randomly. I'm forever grateful you're mine, sweet girl! Stats 29.2 pounds (36%) -- You've gained exactly one pound in the last 6 months, which dropped you down percentile-wise (used to be 50ish%) 35.75 (8%) -- You've grown 1-1.25 inches in t...

adult sleep

Normally I'm all about the child sleep -- it's what I spend so much of my time thinking about, talking about, and working on! I haven't really been interested in adult sleep because sleep has always been suuuuuper easy for me. I close my eyes and I'm OUT. But I am tired a lot (probably because I go to bed too late and because I'm pregnant), so I decided I'd check out a book on adult sleep that I heard a podcaster talk about. To be honest, I didn't really like the book, so I decided to just pull out all the useful information into one short blog post to save anyone else the time of reading it (but if you really want to, it's called Sleep Smarter , by Shawn Stevenson). The book is broken down into 21 different things you can do to improve your sleep, so the 21 principles might be all I need to write down! Schedule sleep. It's important just like other projects you might be working on, so make sure to prioritize it so that it happens. Get more s...

month 5 {august}

How Far Along:  22 weeks 6 days Size:  She's the size of a bunch of grapes, and should be a little over 12 inches long now Gender:  It's a girl! :) Name:  I'm prettttttty positive her first name will be Holly, but still no middle name Movement:  A I first felt her move on the inside a day before I turned 19 weeks, and I've been feeling her much more strongly (and on the outside) for a week or two now (21/22 weeks).  Sleep:  I usually wake up to pee once in the night around 3am. Not taking naps much anymore. Soreness wakes me up sometimes. Weight Gain:  I gain weight so weirdly in pregnancy. I gain big chunks in the first few months, and smaller chunks in the later months, which is opposite of most people, pretty sure. So in the last month, I'm only up 3.6 pounds, and overall, I'm up 26.2 pounds.  Symptoms:  The biggest thing has been round ligament pain and pelvic pain. It would probably help if I'd d...