
Showing posts from April, 2019

month 1 {march/april}

How Far Along:  4 weeks 3 days Size:  A tiny little poppyseed :) Gender:  Man. I really have no clue what Baby is going to be this time. Half the time leading up to getting pregnant I've thought my second would be a boy, and half the time girl, so I'm really in the dark here 😂 Name:  If it's a boy, we've had the first name picked out since before we were married (no middle name yet though). If it's a girl, it's still up for debate! Movement:  Not yet, of course :) Fun Fact: This isn't really a "fun" fact, but it is a fact. I had a diabetes appointment the week before I took the pregnancy test. I had to get some routine labs done, and I was 7-10 days past ovulation (DPO) so I asked if they could do a pregnancy test along with my labs. I got the call later that day that the test came back negative. I was soooo bummed because we tried FAITHFULLY this month -- every day for like 7 days, and every day I laid in bed after with 3 pi...