
Showing posts from January, 2019

goals and plans for 2019

I never know how to plan my year -- I see so many pros and cons to any way that people do it. So I guess this is just kind of a thought dump of some of the main things I want to see for myself in 2019. 12 concrete goals: Make a plan for limiting my social media usage and stick to it Create systems for: working, cleaning, cooking/meal planning, daily activities with Ada, family activities Create sleep guides for  my business Learn to drive stick Start our first garden Digitize all photos before 2006 Make a  mixbook  (or multiple mixbooks) of my life up til marriage Read 24 books (12 on sleep, 12 on anything else) Get together with girlfriends I don't see much (or ever) anymore once/month Find a way to spend one-on-one time with my dad monthly Go for tea at the Grand America (bonus points if it's for Witches high tea!) Keep my " gift for Jesus " at the forefront of my mind (and actions) Some daily habit-type goals: At least 10 minutes of  ...

2019 list

Every year, I have had this running list of things I can work on. I mostly forget about it, but the idea is that if ever I'm feeling like I don't have anything productive or exciting to do, I can turn to this list and try to accomplish something on it. My goal with this list is usually to accomplish roughly one item per month, however, I think I'll have a more condensed list of things that I really, truly want to accomplish in 2019, so this list may become a bit obsolete. Anything currently in progress will be in italics, and I'll come back to update this list as I cross anything off :) Cut back on social media usage Focus on consistency Come up with a meal-planning strategy  - Citrus Pear and Isagenix for the win! Try something new Read a book  - Reading a lot more than one this year! Go skinny dipping Throw a fancy dinner party for friends Do karaoke Join a sports team Create sleep guides for my business Splurge on something that will last me years ...