ada charlotte {9 months}
Miss Ada, 9 months old! You've been out longer than you were in! It's pretty mind blowing :) I feel like your personality really exploded this month. I've always felt like you have a personality, but I guess it just gets bigger and bigger as you do 😊 You have become quite the busy-body this month, too. You're still not crawling, but every time I turn around, you've managed to move a good distance to get to something you shouldn't be playing with. You never hold still -- you're always looking all around, most of all if someone is holding you. Idk if it's just because you're a baby or if it's because you are your daddy's daughter, but you are one curious girl :) I sure love you! Stats You weigh 17.2 pounds (33%) and you are 27.75 inches long (54%). I think I've officially put away most of your 0-3 month clothing (but just most of it). You wear pretty much all 3-6 month or 6 month clothing now, with a few 6-9 month items that...