russ as daddy
I always assumed that Russ would be a good dad. In fact, one of the very first things that really attracted me to him was when he told me he'd decided against being a pilot because he wanted to be home with his wife and kids -- he really values family. But I never imagined he'd be THIS good a dad. I just love to see the way he adores Ada and the way he takes care of her. He doesn't shy away from changing her diaper, feeding her, or putting her down for naps. In fact, while she was in the NICU, he changed way more of her diapers and did almost all of her bottle feeding (I was still breastfeeding at that point, so that's the feeding I did :) ). I felt really insecure about my mothering skills in the beginning (due in large part to all those hormones ), but he always seemed so confident with her. I thought he was so much better at parenting than I was (in the beginning; now I just feel like we're both the best parents we know ho...