
Showing posts from November, 2013

the one with my favorite song

I first discovered this song about three years ago. I liked it right away because the music is really interesting and unique.  But I fell in love with it when I really listened to the lyrics. That's part of why I picked a video that shows the lyrics rather than a video. It doesn't need images . . . its words are enough. To me, it's about a love that is above all else--a love that truly conquers all. Maybe you'll get that same impression, maybe you'll hear something totally different. Feel free to voice your opinions in a comment . . . I love to hear what you think! :) Cosmic Love florence + the machine **ashleynicole

the one about the uplifting weekend

This weekend, something very sad happened. For the first time in our marriage, Russ and I weren't together for the night! It was so weird not sleeping next to him . . . I don't know how anybody does distance for long periods of time. After 30 hours, I was definitely anxious to see him :) But the reason for our separation was a good one. I went to Time Out For Women with my Mom, two aunts, and several of my cousins. Time Out For Women is basically just a conference where you hear lots of uplifting talks--somewhat geared toward women, but mostly quite applicable to anyone. I heard so many amazing and uplifting talks that it's difficult to choose just one to talk about, which is why I've narrowed it down to two speakers who had related messages. The first is  Mary Ellen Edmunds . She talked about how powerful our thoughts are. Since our thoughts can be so powerful, it's important for us to recognize what we are thinking about, and to give more consciousness t...

the one with an amazing violinist

I came across this artist in my Facebook newsfeed the other day. A friend of mine had posted  this  video on her husband's wall. So I listened to that one, loved it, and looked for more.  And I found something truly AMAZING! I love this piece's music, dancing, costumes, and sets. I love it all. Plus, I found out that she is  Mormon , which is just cool. I mean, it's a small world when you're Mormon, so to find out that an amazing and viral musician is Mormon, too . . . Well, it's just cool :) So here it is Elements Lindsey Stirling Enjoy! And go find more of her music :) Also,  this  behind-the-scenes video about the song is pretty sweet. I love videos that show artists as real people :) Let me know what you think! :) **ashleynicole

the one about the addiction recovery program

Most people know about Alcoholics Anonymous and other such addiction recovery groups. Those programs typically have 12 steps to overcoming your addictions. In my  church , there is a similar program with similar steps, only there is a lot more focus on bringing God into the process. Several months ago, instead of the normal third hour meetings, we had some people come talk about this  Addiction Recovery Program .  I thought the program was just for addicts--of alcohol, drugs, pornography, or other such things. i was so wrong. The speakers helped me realize that pretty much all people are addicts--of something or another. Because we're all addicted to our "favorite sins" or even just our favorite bad habits.  I have at least some level of addiction to things like TV, food, and trying to control everything in my life.  Now these aren't horrible things that will get me kicked out of the running for heaven, but they're definitely things I could be wor...

the one with a little bit of a rant

A few weeks ago, I read  this  article about 7 ways to be insufferable on Facebook. Then a few days ago, I read  this  article about the 10 worst things new/expecting moms can post on Facebook. And can I just say . . .  they both drove me crazy! I do have my opinions about things that people really  shouldn't post on Facebook. However, I also think I'm not the boss of everyone, so I'm not going to tell them what to post and what not to post.  People are so quick to want to tell others what to do . . . but h ere's the thing. Just like it is with life , you have control over YOUR Facebook and no one else's.  So if you don't want to see someone's intentionally-vague-in-order-to-get-attention posts or someone's bulging-uncovered-baby-belly photos, hide these stories from your newsfeed. Or, better yet, un-friend the person who posted them! Half the people you're friends with on Facebook aren't really your friends anyways, so why keep th...

the one with a viral video

Several weeks ago, I was with a group and we all went around and said our names and our favorite animals. I said "fennec fox" because I had recently pinned this adorable guy on Pinterest: So then my friend, Aleisha, asked me if I had seen the following viral video . . . I hadn't, but I thoroughly enjoyed it once I did. So on the off chance you haven't seen it, here you go. And if you have seen it, feel free to enjoy it once more, since it really is just funny every time :) For your enjoyment, What Does the Fox Say? Ylvis If that was your first time, please comment so I can hear what you think!  But feel free to comment if it wasn't the first time, too :) **ashleynicole

the one with a c. s. lewis quote

Wahoo! Finally made a graphic! ^^ Nothing too fancy, but I like it anyway :) So today in church , I heard this quote: Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man . . . It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition is gone, pride is gone. C. S. Lewis I thought that it was pretty profound, maybe because it's something I need to work on . . . I do a lot of comparing. I've always known that I have my pride issues, but I had never connected  pride  with  comparisons before, so hearing the quote opened up a whole new box of issues that I should probably be working on. And because it's something that I need to work on, I really don't have any light to shed on the quote; nothing really to add. So I guess I'm just going to leave you with the quote, because I've been trying to figure out what else I might add for about half an ...

the one with 10 things i love, in no particular order

1. Hot showers when I'm cold 2. Avocados. They're seriously the best. 3. Decorating & crafting! 4. Holidays 5. Baking yummy food 6. City lights . . . I love flying over cities like Vegas at night! 7. Graphic design 8. Walking through stores like Hobby Lobby or Michael's :) :) :) 9. Planning the names of my future children 10. Russ, of course :) What are some things that you love? :) **ashleynicole

the one with a love song

It's actually kind of ironic that I feature different songs for a whole day of each week on my blog, because I don't really listen to music very often. Mostly, I listen to music only when I'm in the car.  But the other day, I was cleaning my apartment for a few hours, so I wanted some music to keep me going. I installed a Pandora app and typed in Sam Tsui as the first thing. This actually turned out to be kind of annoying because nearly every song was a cover instead of an original, but one song popped up that I really liked. So that's the gem I'm going to feature today: Never Stop Safetysuit It's maybe a little cheesy, but mostly just adorable :) Let me know what you think! **ashleynicole

the one with a thankful blurb

First of all, I did no Spiritual Sunday yesterday because the internet at my apartment was broken. It was a bummer, but I guess that means I won't be doing one this week because those posts always take a little more thought and time, which I just don't have any day but Sunday! Okay, now onto today's post. I've noticed that a lot of people on Facebook are posting something they're thankful for each day in November. I won't be doing that, because I don't post every day, and I especially don't blog-post every day. BUT. I thought maybe I'd do it just a few times throughout the month . . . mostly when I'm feeling extra thankful or when I have nothing more pressing to post :) So today I am thankful to know there is an end to school.  It doesn't ever really seem like it because you spend the first twenty or so years of your life in school, but it does end.  For me, it ends in 172 days. I have just one semester after the current on...