
Showing posts from 2024

holly b {5 years}

Dear Holly, Oh my sweet girl, how I love you! In the last few weeks, I've really felt like you're growing up. You were my little Holly for so long, and now you're getting to be my big Holly! (Though that doesn't stop you from always wanting to sit on my lap, which you're also getting big for 😅) You love art and music, and you're still not the biggest fan of books. Picture books are fine, but almost every time I read a chapter book aloud, you ask at some point, "when are you going to be done???" 😂 You often look for ways to help, so even when your help isn't all that helpful, it's always sweet! (And can be helpful, too 😊) You love being a big sister (you're always trying to tell Peter what to do) but not always a little sister (you and Ada can definitely get at each other's throats!), and you love playing with whichever sibling will play with you. Our family wouldn't be the same without you, and I'm so glad you're part of ...

ada charlotte {8 years}

Dear Ada,  You are 8 years old! You've been anxiously awaiting this birthday, both because you're excited for presents, and because you're excited to get baptized! You frequently talk about how much you love Jesus and how you want to follow Him. You say the most lovely and heartfelt prayers for specific things and specific people. You love primary songs, and you sing them beautifully. You are so creative and imaginative. I love that you are still little, and you still love to play pretend. You still play Barbies and house, and lately you're very into creating what you need out of paper and/or cardboard -- a small backpack, a notebook, a room for your Barbies, you name it! My favorite thing is to see you and Holly playing together happily and creatively. You LOVE to read. You've been in an online reading class for about a year now, and your skills in and love for reading have both grown so much. You're reading chapter books now, sometimes passing hours doing so. ...

holly b {4 years}

Dear Holly, What a year it's been. When you turned 3, you were THE SWEETEST child, and this year has been a little bit of a wild ride 😅 You're starting to get back to your sweeter roots, but you still have a mean streak! You like getting your way, and you are not afraid to voice your disapproval when you DON'T get your way. There is just no reasoning with you in so many situations 😅🤣 You are silly. You love to ride your scooter. You love to sing, but usually not all the right words 😊 You love to dance at your class. You love to color and cut at home. You love to tell other people when THEY are not following the rules, nevermind the times that you don't follow them. You're still a mama's girl, and you prefer to be near me, even if I'm working on something else. You always want to come with me to the grocery store and to help me in the kitchen. You don't *dislike* books, but you're not crazy about them like Ada has been. You've learned how to w...