
Showing posts from September, 2021

ada charlotte {5 years}

  Dear Ada, How on earth are you FIVE YEARS OLD?! I love watching you grow up. It's so fun to see the way that your personality grows and changes. You are so silly, so thoughtful (when you want to be), and so sweet. You have strong opinions about all the things, which I need to remember is a GOOD thing -- you're figuring out exactly who YOU want to be, and that's what I want for you, too. You're so curious, always wanting to learn about any words or ideas you're unfamiliar with, and I love this! I've always kind of felt like certain things are learned at certain ages, but you're showing me that we really do learn little by little. We've discussed things like how the ocean and space work, how the theory of relatively works, how cameras work, and those are just the things off the top of my head! We always try to answer in an age-appropriate way that we think you'll understand, and as a result I just feel like you're so smart and able.  You're s...

holly b {21 months}

Stats 23.8 lbs (48%), 31.6" (13%) Size 4 diapers 12-24 month clothes, but 18-24m clothes fit best! Words At 18 months, she was saying about 20 words, and now she also says: Sissy Shoe Grandma Cookie Apple Happy Stinky Bum JJ (a la Cocomelon) Holly Buckle Bubble Phone Fly (the bug) Ugga Mugga (Daniel Tiger) Here you go Go away Peng (for penguin) Mine Hot So 40+ Milestones no new teeth (still 12) can identify most facial body parts walking up and down stairs on her own (holding the wall) or with help coloring without eating the writing instruments jumps like a frog a lot runs really well even tries out Ada's bikes and scooters Overall she's just pretty physically able. Fearless with slides. Seriously does any of them, all by herself. I think it's the cutest thing. Obsessions Still prefers mom, but has eased up a bit. Still obsessed with her puppy, along with her penguin and sleep sack. Real dogs. She loves to see them whenever she goes on my walk with me. Cookies. Def he...