
Showing posts from July, 2021

holly b {18 months}

Well, I didn't do my usual weigh and measure, and I'm about a month late posting this, but here are the few notes I've put in my phone about Holly these last few months! Stats Size 4 diapers 12-24 month clothes, but 18m clothes fit best! Words At 15 months, she was saying about 10 words, and now she also says: Mommy Papa Hiya Puppy Doggie (every animal is either a puppy or a doggie haha) Boo (sounds like "Bo") Beep Ew (always about diapers or toilets 😂) Yummy Baby (and she says it anytime she sees a toddler or younger!) Her favorite and most commonly used words are "mommy" "go" "uh oh" "no" and "puppy." Milestones 12 teeth (including 4 molars) Mastered the art of getting out of being picked up right around 15 months Giving hugs and kisses when asked (sometimes) 😍 Obsessions She definitely prefers mom. Anytime she gets hurt, anytime I'm THERE, she wants me. Which is both sweet (for me) and sad (for Russ), and ...