
Showing posts from 2021

holly b {2 years}

Stats 25.0 lbs (26%), 33.12" (36%) Size 4 diapers Mostly wearing 24m or 2T these days Words At 21 months, she was saying roughly 45 words, and now she's easily saying 100+. She basically just talks a ton, though she's definitely in the stage where she needs mom and dad as translators for other people. She says sentences up to about 5 words ("What you doing daddy?" "where Ada go?" "milk please, mama")  Some of the words she started saying before I stopped taking notes: Anna (from Frozen ) toot snuggle hat cat meow pumpkin sock leaf eye panda fish (sounded like "fee-ah" at first, now says "fishie") I love you cup show moon ready soup washcloth ("Shash-sauce") shower Elsa sleep sack Weston cheese blueberries cake monkey cereal lid She also likes to add -ee endings to things, like hug-ee and ice-ee.  She won't say "santa," but instead calls him "papa." With words that end in -er, she often swit...

ada charlotte {5 years}

  Dear Ada, How on earth are you FIVE YEARS OLD?! I love watching you grow up. It's so fun to see the way that your personality grows and changes. You are so silly, so thoughtful (when you want to be), and so sweet. You have strong opinions about all the things, which I need to remember is a GOOD thing -- you're figuring out exactly who YOU want to be, and that's what I want for you, too. You're so curious, always wanting to learn about any words or ideas you're unfamiliar with, and I love this! I've always kind of felt like certain things are learned at certain ages, but you're showing me that we really do learn little by little. We've discussed things like how the ocean and space work, how the theory of relatively works, how cameras work, and those are just the things off the top of my head! We always try to answer in an age-appropriate way that we think you'll understand, and as a result I just feel like you're so smart and able.  You're s...

holly b {21 months}

Stats 23.8 lbs (48%), 31.6" (13%) Size 4 diapers 12-24 month clothes, but 18-24m clothes fit best! Words At 18 months, she was saying about 20 words, and now she also says: Sissy Shoe Grandma Cookie Apple Happy Stinky Bum JJ (a la Cocomelon) Holly Buckle Bubble Phone Fly (the bug) Ugga Mugga (Daniel Tiger) Here you go Go away Peng (for penguin) Mine Hot So 40+ Milestones no new teeth (still 12) can identify most facial body parts walking up and down stairs on her own (holding the wall) or with help coloring without eating the writing instruments jumps like a frog a lot runs really well even tries out Ada's bikes and scooters Overall she's just pretty physically able. Fearless with slides. Seriously does any of them, all by herself. I think it's the cutest thing. Obsessions Still prefers mom, but has eased up a bit. Still obsessed with her puppy, along with her penguin and sleep sack. Real dogs. She loves to see them whenever she goes on my walk with me. Cookies. Def he...

holly b {18 months}

Well, I didn't do my usual weigh and measure, and I'm about a month late posting this, but here are the few notes I've put in my phone about Holly these last few months! Stats Size 4 diapers 12-24 month clothes, but 18m clothes fit best! Words At 15 months, she was saying about 10 words, and now she also says: Mommy Papa Hiya Puppy Doggie (every animal is either a puppy or a doggie haha) Boo (sounds like "Bo") Beep Ew (always about diapers or toilets 😂) Yummy Baby (and she says it anytime she sees a toddler or younger!) Her favorite and most commonly used words are "mommy" "go" "uh oh" "no" and "puppy." Milestones 12 teeth (including 4 molars) Mastered the art of getting out of being picked up right around 15 months Giving hugs and kisses when asked (sometimes) 😍 Obsessions She definitely prefers mom. Anytime she gets hurt, anytime I'm THERE, she wants me. Which is both sweet (for me) and sad (for Russ), and ...

holly b {15 months}

Stats 21 pounds even (24%) (Ada was also 21 pounds even at 15 months!) 30 inches (32%) Size 3 diapers (double diapering at night, and I think I'll size up the next time I buy diapers because they're seeming small lately) 12-18 month clothes. A lot of the 12-month stuff is getting too small. Words In addition to "mama" and "dada," which she was saying at 12 months, she now says: hi (more like "hi hi hi hi hi!") go uh oh thank you (she did it a few times but hasn't much lately) all done (also not doing this one much anymore) cheese (for pictures) She just started saying "bye bye" but with G sounds haha (guy guy) No Milestones Started cruising along furniture like two days after her birthday She has  eight teeth! And the 5th and 6th teeth to come in were parts of her top (I think) molars! . . . they're like way back there! Started going DOWN stairs around 13-14 months. She took her first steps on 2/16 (14 months), and started standin...

ada charlotte {4.5 years}

Dear Ada, I'm always amazed to see how much you grow and change in such a short time. You just become more of a grown-up every day, it seems! We had a pretty rough year or so, but I think things are starting to get better. I'm not sure if it's just because you're growing up or because I'm (sometimes) doing better at managing my own thoughts and actions, but I finally feel like the good is starting to outweigh the bad. I've loved you all along the way, but it was tough to feel like things were always hard. I'm enjoying feeling like things are getting a little easier for us most days. You like to go go go -- all day long you want to be doing something, whether that's playing with a friend, going to the park, playing a game, coloring, or playing pretend. You always want to play more, but you always want someone to play WITH you. Definitely an extrovert like mama! You're still sweet and forgiving, and you're even pretty good at saying sorry! You just...