ada charlotte {2.5 years}
Oh my sweet Ada Girl, I just don't think I'll ever get over how much I love you. I was telling your dad the other day how sometimes my dad will just look at me with such love and tell me how proud he is of me or something, and how it feels so weird to me -- but then I know I do the exact same thing to you. I'm just obsessed with how stinking cute and smart and wonderful you are, and I thought maybe that would wear off a little bit as you get older, but it hasn't, so I'll probably still feel this way when you're 26, too ;) I'm just so grateful that you're my daughter. I'm so grateful for all the joy you bring to my life! I love you, sweet little lady! Stats 28.2 pounds (50%) -- Sticking right around average weight for your age :) 34.9 inches (27%) -- You've grown just over 1.5 inches in the last 6 months and stuck around the same percentile. We're still doing size 4 diapers, and I kind of never want to potty train. It seems way hard...