
Showing posts from August, 2016

baby shower #1 {friends}

When Russ and I first got pregnant, we told immediate family almost right away -- at 6 weeks -- and then we told only a few friends in the meantime before we publicly announced around 13 weeks. Two of those friends were Sarah and Caroline, and when I told Caroline, she said (after a bunch of sweet things about how I'll be a great mama), "Sarah and I are going to throw you a baby shower! I can't wait to tell Sarah!" Haha that girl :) So this last weekend, Caroline and Sarah did indeed throw my first baby shower, and it was just wonderful :) It included friends from a few different parts of my life -- jr. high, high school, college, my first married student ward, and work. It was so fun to see so many people that I just think are great in one room, especially since I don't see them all nearly enough. katie, carly, me, marcela (& elijah), lindsay, caroline ashlee, eryn, kari, maddie, sarah The shower was held at The Chocolate, which is really a perfect...

babymoon in SLC

Back in June, we didn't really do anything to celebrate our fourth anniversary. I figured we could just do a babymoon and anniversary something-or-other all in one go. I didn't quite know what we'd end up doing, but we finally came to the conclusion that we'd just do a one-night getaway somewhere nearby. Although we would have loved to do something more extensive, Russ really didn't have the time to take off work, and we really didn't have the money for anything extravagant since we've been putting a bunch of money into our yard and water softener (and still have more to spend money on for the yard! Sheesh!). We considered going to the Anniversary Inn because we love going there and hadn't been in over a year , but I just kept thinking about the amazing breakfast buffet that is available at the Little America Hotel so we wound up choosing that instead. We selected the "getaway package," which included the room, an assortment of foods in a ...

month 7 {july}

31 weeks, 1 day How Far Along:  31 weeks Size:  A small clawed otter or a foam finger :) Gender:  Our darling little  girl ! :) Name:  Ada Charlotte :)  Movement:  Feeling Ada move just never gets old! I still often have audible gasps whenever she moves really big, and I still smile every time I feel her kicking or moving or rubbing against my belly in some way :) This month, I started to notice some stomachaches that were brought on by her moving into certain positions. I would randomly start having an ache, so I'd put my hands on my belly and, sure enough, I'd feel a whole lot of pressure from her little body so I would just push on her until she moved, relieving me of my stomachache haha :) I also noticed that she's often most active when I lay on my side. I just can't get over how much I love feeling her move! She's now big enough that I often feel her in two or three different places at once :) Fun Fact:  She has eyelashe...