baby shower #1 {friends}
When Russ and I first got pregnant, we told immediate family almost right away -- at 6 weeks -- and then we told only a few friends in the meantime before we publicly announced around 13 weeks. Two of those friends were Sarah and Caroline, and when I told Caroline, she said (after a bunch of sweet things about how I'll be a great mama), "Sarah and I are going to throw you a baby shower! I can't wait to tell Sarah!" Haha that girl :) So this last weekend, Caroline and Sarah did indeed throw my first baby shower, and it was just wonderful :) It included friends from a few different parts of my life -- jr. high, high school, college, my first married student ward, and work. It was so fun to see so many people that I just think are great in one room, especially since I don't see them all nearly enough. katie, carly, me, marcela (& elijah), lindsay, caroline ashlee, eryn, kari, maddie, sarah The shower was held at The Chocolate, which is really a perfect...