23 before 23 recap
If you've been anywhere near my blog in the past year, you probably noticed a very prominent topic: my 23 before 23 bucket list. In fact, for several months now, it's been about the only thing I've posted about because completing the tasks was taking up a lot of my time and energy. So this will be my last "23 before 23" post, but I couldn't let list just die without a little recap of all the things I did and accomplished in the last year :) Go to at least three different national parks or monuments { Dinosaur National Monument } { Zion National Park } { Mesa Verde National Park } . . . In all of these cases, I had to plan or at least participate in a weekend trip. I really am not much of a planner, so unless I have to plan something, I'll often end up being boring and watching TV or something. Since I had this goal, I had to make the effort, and the effort was always worth it. I had a lot of fun with Russ and other family on these weekend trips. ...