our weekend in zion: a three for one rock-in' deal!
Last weekend was a good weekend for some bucket list tasks . . . I worked on 3! But only finished one haha :) 1. Go to at least three different national parks or monuments 2. Do work in all the temples in Utah 13. Go camping I really love having this bucket list because it makes me do things. I get so stuck being boring, when there are so many fun and exciting things I could be doing with my life! That was the case with this weekend. Normally, I'm not much up for planning. In fact, that's why this weekend didn't happen back in the fall--because I just never got around to really planning for it. But a few weeks ago I sat down with Russ and said that we had to make these plans so we made them and stuck to them! So this last weekend we went down to Zion National Park and St. George. Though the weather had been pretty nice up here, we were excited for the getaway down south and the also-sunny weather down there. We invited Russ's parents and sister Lacey alo...