christmas 2014
Holidays are a tricky thing for newlyweds, and something that, 2.5 years later, we still seem to be figuring out. We spent our first Thanksgiving with his family and our first Christmas with mine, and since then, we have swapped each holiday each year. We live relatively close to both families (15 minutes from mine, 6 hours from his) , so this works pretty well for us. However, we've discovered we still need to take the time to make holidays our own, too. Since it was my family's year to have us for Christmas, we spent a lot of time over there during the break. I still have my room at my parents' house, so although we live close, most nights we would just stay over at my parents'. My sister's family was also visiting from Texas, so we wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. But because we spent so much time at my parents' house, Russ and I kind of neglected to figure out when we would have our own celebration. This led to a sticky situation w...