
Showing posts from September, 2012

the one where a school assignment becomes my blog post

Part of what got me back into blogging is the Spanish class that I'm taking this semester--Spanish Literature. For the class, we have to do a blog post each week (it's in place of writing a one page paper each week . . . going green or something) using a quote from a poem we've read that week.  Well.  I just finished my Spanish blog for the week and I realized it's actually kind of perfect for my life/love blog! I usually write my Spanish blog in English first so that I can get all of my thoughts organized in my own language . . . soooo lucky for you, you get to read it! ;) First. The poem in Spanish. Then.  Don't worry, all you English-only speakers, I'll translate it. It's just beautiful in its original language.  The bolded part (both in Spanish and English) is the main part that I based my blog post on. And finally. My analysis. Enjoy! Tu risa Quítame el pan, si quieres, quítame el aire, pero no me quites tu risa. No me qui...

the one where i start blogging again

So I'm feeling a little green . . . green with envy, that is. I think some people are just born to blog. They're just so creative and funny and they make their ordinary lives sound so exciting. [[Which is, I guess, how it should be. Well, maybe not blogging-wise . . . buuuuut people should be excited about their ordinary lives because a little excitement can change things from ordinary to extraordinary.]] But anyway . . . I don't really think I was born to blog, and I'm not even sure if I'll be updating very often, or if my updates will be worth reading. But I guess now that I've started my happily ever after  (and since I got a little push from a friend), I'll try my fingers at blogging once again. Since I know everyone is just dying to read about my incredibly wonderful new life with the man of my dreams ;) :) **ashleynicole